An interactive power point game to help students review Instructions
Key = 10 points for your team = 20 points for your team = 30 points for your team = 40 points for your team = All of your points are blown up! = Everyone’s points are blown up! = 50 points for your team = Steals 20 points from one team = Steals 20 points from one team
New Rule!! If you are the winner, ‘DONATE’ your Scores to the 2 nd place winner and Get ‘Double Prizes’ !! Co-winners
What is ‘ 산수, 계산 ’ in English? arithmethic
take ~ for granted What is the expression for ‘~ 을 당연한 것으로 생각하다 ’?
True Plague means ‘ 전염병 ’ in Korean. True or False?
Newton saw an apple fall from a tree. Is it grammatically correct or wrong? Correct
wearable computer What is the expression for the computer that we can wear like clothes?
Write down the expression which means ‘ 공통점이 있다.’ have something in common
On page 115, what are the students talking about? science paper(s)
depressed Write down ‘the complement( 보어 )’ of the following sentence. ☞ You look depressed.
What is the expression for ‘ 명심하다 ’ in English? keep in mind
What is ‘ 오르다 ’ in English? a_ _ _ _ _ ascend
What is the thick drink made from fruit? smoothie
What is a gas that makes you laugh? laughing gas
What is the expression for ‘ 등록하다 ’? On page 116, how can you stop the alarm? Grab the flying propeller and put it back on the clock.
Write down the sentence meaning ‘ 이 책은 읽을만한 가치가 있다.’ (use the expression, ‘be worth ~ing’) This book is worth reading.
Did the researchers want to make the Post-it notes in the first place? No, they didn’t.
One of the Post-it researchers used the glue to hold pens in a book. True or False? False
differently * Fill in the blank. ☞ Thinking a little can bring great success.
Zipper A man who was too fat to fasten his boots invented this. What is this?
A seller who ran out of cups used this. The seller actually made this as an invention. What is this? ice cream cone
thin A customer who wanted very (thin/thick) chips had potato chips that we eat today. Find the correct word.
geniuses What do they have in common? King Sejong / Isaac Newton / Friedrich Gauss They are great in history.
creative What is the word that means producing or using unusual ideas?
What is the word for ‘guess using some information’? infer
Write down the ‘subject’ and ‘verb’ of the following sentence. ☞ I got a good grade on the test. 1.subject : I 2.verb : got
What is the word for ‘a person of great intelligence and ability’? genius