Chapter 16, part of section 2 Life in North America Pages 590-592.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 16, part of section 2 Life in North America Pages

North America 2 million people by A.D million people by A.D.1500 Spoke 300 languages Spoke 300 languages Thousands of different names Thousands of different names Inherited the cultures of their ancestors Inherited the cultures of their ancestors Adjusted to their environment where they settled Adjusted to their environment where they settled

The People of the Far North Settled around the Arctic regions of present day Canada and Alaska about 3000 B.C. Settled around the Arctic regions of present day Canada and Alaska about 3000 B.C. The people were called the Inuit which means “the people” The people were called the Inuit which means “the people” Lived in igloos and used dogsleds to travel on land and sealskin kayaks to travel by sea. Lived in igloos and used dogsleds to travel on land and sealskin kayaks to travel by sea. Hunted and ate seals, walruses, and land animals like caribou and polar bears. Hunted and ate seals, walruses, and land animals like caribou and polar bears. Prized strips of blubber, or fat from seals and whales which provided oil for lamps, and gave them calories. Prized strips of blubber, or fat from seals and whales which provided oil for lamps, and gave them calories.

Life on the West Coast Settled along North America’s Pacific Coast. See map on page 590 to see where these groups are located. Settled along North America’s Pacific Coast. See map on page 590 to see where these groups are located. Tlingit Tlingit Haida Haida Chinook Chinook Used ceder trees to build wooden houses and canoes. Used ceder trees to build wooden houses and canoes. Fished for otters, seals, whales, salt water salmon in the spring Fished for otters, seals, whales, salt water salmon in the spring Rich food resources and heavily populated Rich food resources and heavily populated California home to some 500 Native American cultures California home to some 500 Native American cultures The northern coast people called the Chumash fished The northern coast people called the Chumash fished The southern desert people known as the Cahuilla harvested dates from palm trees, and gathered seeds, roots, and pods. The southern desert people known as the Cahuilla harvested dates from palm trees, and gathered seeds, roots, and pods. The central valley people known as the Pomo would gather acorns and would pound them into flour The central valley people known as the Pomo would gather acorns and would pound them into flour

Life in the Southwest Settled in the dry deserts of the southwest Settled in the dry deserts of the southwest Hohokam Hohokam Anasazi Anasazi Descendents include the Hopi, Acoma, Pueblo, Zuni Descendents include the Hopi, Acoma, Pueblo, Zuni Learned how to farm the dry land with irrigation Learned how to farm the dry land with irrigation Lived in apartment like homes out of adobe Lived in apartment like homes out of adobe In the 1500’s the hunters known as the Apache and Navajo moved into the area- the Navajo would become successful farmers In the 1500’s the hunters known as the Apache and Navajo moved into the area- the Navajo would become successful farmers

Life on the Great Plains Settled along the Great Plains (from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River) and learned to farm even though very difficult Settled along the Great Plains (from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River) and learned to farm even though very difficult Dense grass roots and no iron tools made farming very difficult Dense grass roots and no iron tools made farming very difficult Native Groups on the Great Plains include; Native Groups on the Great Plains include; Mandan Mandan Hidatsa Hidatsa Pawnee (see map on page 590 to locate) Pawnee (see map on page 590 to locate) Women tended gardens and men hunted buffalo on foot that grazed the grasslands Women tended gardens and men hunted buffalo on foot that grazed the grasslands Buffalo gave them meat for food, bones for tools, and skins for clothing and shelter Buffalo gave them meat for food, bones for tools, and skins for clothing and shelter

Life in the Eastern Woodlands Settled in the eastern part of Northern America (east of the Mississippi River) which was covered with dense forests. Settled in the eastern part of Northern America (east of the Mississippi River) which was covered with dense forests. Farming, hunting, and fishing. Farming, hunting, and fishing. Farming was mainly in the Southeast Woodlands because of the mild climate. Farming was mainly in the Southeast Woodlands because of the mild climate. Some of the Native tribes of the southeast included the Natchez in Miss., Cherokee in Georgia and N. C. which formed governments. Some of the Native tribes of the southeast included the Natchez in Miss., Cherokee in Georgia and N. C. which formed governments. A few Native groups set up confederations or governments that linked several groups. A few Native groups set up confederations or governments that linked several groups. The most famous being the Iroquois League which was set up by 5 Native groups: the Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, and Cayuga. The most famous being the Iroquois League which was set up by 5 Native groups: the Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, and Cayuga. They formed the league to end fighting among themselves. They formed the league to end fighting among themselves. A code of laws, known as the Great Peace, governed the league. A code of laws, known as the Great Peace, governed the league. Women, who controlled Iroquois land, selected male members to sit on a Grand Council. Women, who controlled Iroquois land, selected male members to sit on a Grand Council. The Grand Council would work out their differences, make decisions, and would unite against other Woodland peoples, such as the Algonquian. The Grand Council would work out their differences, make decisions, and would unite against other Woodland peoples, such as the Algonquian.