Learn How to Make Homemade Wine that Tastes Great!
Campden tablets Wine yeast Yeast nutrient Pectic enzyme Grape tannin Acid blend
Chlorinated detergent sanitizer 1 lidded primary fermentation vessel (a bottle, vat, or bucket that holds more than the carboy) 1 gallon carboy (a glass or plastic container used to hold acidic liquids, like wine) Siphoning tube 1 bung and airlock (used in fermentation to allow carbon dioxide to escape from the carboy and protects wine from outside dust or other contamination) 1 hydrometer (measures sugar, gravity and alcohol in wine) Stabilizers – one package of metabisulphite and one package of potassium sorbate) 1 thermometer Wine bottles and screw caps
For your first attempt at winemaking, it is usually best to stick to a simple, straightforward recipe for grape wine.
Clean equipment before starting the process of making wine.
Depending on the recipe that you are following, you will need to extract the aroma and flavor of the fruit by crushing, chopping, soaking, pressing, or boiling.
There is more to wine than just fruit, and these other ingredients are necessary to the flavor, quality, and shelf life of your vintage. Pay close attention to the order in which you blend in additives.
Once the additives have been blended into the primary fermentation container, the wine will begin fermenting. This process usually lasts from 3 to 10 days during which time the container should be covered loosely with a piece of cloth and a rubber band around the opening.
The wine will need to ferment in this container for several weeks.
Racking is the process of siphoning the wine off the sediments into a clean secondary fermentation container.
When the wine is sufficiently clear and the fermentation process has ended, it will be time to bottle your vintage. It is important not to overfill the bottles and to secure corks tightly.