Reticular Activating system (RAS) › Network of nerve cells in brain stem › Transmit environmental & sensory stimuli › Will lose consciousness If loss of function
Altered mental status-indicates illness or injury to patient › May be from simple disorientation to complete unconsciousness Structural Causes › Brain tumor › Hemorrhage in cranium or brain tissue › Direct brain tissue damage › Degenerative disease › Brain abscess or infection
Toxic Causes › Severe hypoxia › Abnormal blood glucose › Liver failure › Kidney failure › poisoning Other causes › Shock › Drugs › Post seizure › Infection › Cardiac rhythm disturbance › Stroke
Medical Conditions Trauma Abnormal respiratory pattern Dry or moist skin Cool or hot skin Pinpoint, midsize, dilated or unequal pupils Stiff neck Lacerations to tongue High systolic pressure Loss of bowel or bladder Abnormally high or low blood sugar Obvious signs of trauma Abnormal respiratory pattern Increased or decreased heart rate Unequal pupils High or low BP Discoloration around eyes or ears Pale, cool, moist skin Flexion (decorticate or decerebrate)
Scene size up Primary assessment Secondary assessment › SAMPLE › OPQRST Emergency medical care › Spinal immobilization › Airway › Suction PRN › Position › Transport › Reassess every 5 minutes
Neurological deficit AHA 700,000 people suffer a stroke 158,000 will die Time is critical-time is tissue › 3 hours from onset of symptoms
Detection Dispatch Deliver Door Data Decision Drug
Inadequate blood supply to brain Ischemic › Embolism A-fib most common risk factor › Thrombosis Most common Hemorrhagic › HTN major cause › Worst headache › Seizures › Stiff neck
TIA symptoms gone within 24 hours No permanent neurologic damage Higher chance of permanent stroke
Facial droop Arm drift Slurred speech
History taking becomes very important › Mimic hypoglycemia › Sample History › Treatment Airway Oxygen Position of comfort
Vascular Cluster Tension Organic, traction, or inflammatory
Altered mental status Motor or sensory deficit Behavior change Seizure First experience with this type of HA Worst pain with coughing, sneezing, or bending over Fever or stiff neck Change in quality of chronic HA
Airway Oxygen Position of comfort Be prepared for seizures