Today’s Agenda MPE Overview 2013 Show Overview Marketing Research and Opportunities Qualified Customers Ready to Buy Show Details / Tips Q & A Discussion Topics
The Great Big Texas Home Show Team Sue Huff, Vice President of Sales - MPE Lindsey Rausch, Exhibit Sales Representative – MPE Laura Martin, Exhibit Sales Representative – MPE Shanda Pettibone, Exhibit Sales Representative - MPE Jennifer Adams, Administrative / Operations Coordinator - MPE Gail Grogan, Show Director, Texas – MPE Bill Brown, Garden Liaison - MPE Terrye Jones, Senior Sales Manager, Freeman Decorating Jackie Loria, Account Manager, Freeman Decorating Tony Grantham, Foreman, Freeman Decorating Meet the Team
Marketplace Events Profile Our Experience Marketplace Events produces 33 shows in 22 markets across North America. Those shows collectively attract 14,000 exhibitors, 1 million attendees and nearly another 1 million unique web visitors annually. From 15 offices, the 120-person staff produces some of the most successful and longest-running home shows in the U.S. and Canada.
Marketplace Events Profile Shows and Markets Served US (22 Shows) Canada (10 Shows) Arlington, TX Toronto (3) Birmingham, ALCalgary (2) Fort Worth, TXEdmonton (2) Oklahoma City, OK (2)Ottawa Vancouver (2)Montreal (2) Philadelphia, PA Indianapolis, IN (2) Des Moines, IA Minneapolis, MN Chantilly, VA (2)Motorcycle Show Jacksonville, FL (2)American International Motorcycle Exhibit (1) Buffalo, NY Salt Lake City, UT (3) Denver, CO Orlando, FL (2) Cleveland, OH
Marketplace Events Profile Exhibitors 14,000 exhibitors annually 2.7 million square feet of space sold annually 70% exhibitor renewal rate 56 exhibit sales representatives in 14 offices
Marketplace Events Profile Our Common Customer Demographics 90% of attendees are homeowners 43 average age $105,000 average HHI Buying Power 64% attend with their spouse/partner (exhibitor meets both decision makers) 64% make a purchase at the show and 1 in 10 spend $1,000 or more 77% intend to buy from an exhibitor they saw at the show within six months Satisfaction 97% rate the quality of the show’s vendors as “excellent” or “very good” 78% rate their overall satisfaction as “very satisfied” or “satisfied”
Marketplace Events Profile Recent Launch Experience
2013 Great Big Texas Home & Garden Show Features Feature Gardens presented by TNLA Design Rooms Celebrity Stage Texas Trinkets and Treasures Celebrity Guests Chris Straub/Project Runway Bex Hale/Project Runway Professional Appraisers
Maximizing Your Show Experience Through Marketing
Overview Marketing Strategy Media Plan Highlights Promotion Highlights Research, Results, Successes What’s in it for Your Business? Exhibitor Marketing Opportunities
Who Attends? Homeowners who are ready to buy! 90% are homeowners 64% have a household income of $75, % are in the age bracket 76% attend with spouse – You meet BOTH decision makers! Plus… 71% of attendees consider Our shows a “Must-See” event!
How much $$ do our attendees spend? At the show: 44% will spend at least $100 10% will spend at least $500 Nearly 7% will spend at least $1,000 With exhibitors in the 6 months following the show: 60% will spend at least $1,000 21% will spend at least $5,000 10% will spend at least $10,000 $ $$$$$ $$$ $ $$$$$ $$
Show Marketing The Plan Utilizing Research Innovative and Aggressive Media & PR Tactics Strategic Media Promotions “Cattle Calls” and meetings with media partners Meeting with all key media partners on December 10
2012 Show Marketing How did consumers hear about our shows?
Show Marketing PR and Media Best Practices, Key Learning's & Research 33 Shows in 22 Markets across North America TV, Radio & Print based on Creative Strategy Ask us how Your Company can be part of a media promotion or PR!
Show Marketing
Research, Results & Successes Online Ticket Sales Will be a focus for our show Marketing Our Lists continue to increase Company: approximately 300,000 Continue testing to improve blasts Google Analytics Track referring sites Monitor Traffic to site/pages/activity
Research, Results & Successes Top 5 visited pages on website 1)Home Page 2)Exhibitor List 3)Sponsors Page 4)Ticket Prices 5)General Info – Dates/Hours/Location
Marketing Before the Show and After the Show Unique Opportunities % viewed: 39% Click thru: 2% % viewed: 57% Click thru: 34%
Marketing Before the Show Unique Opportunities – Just for your business!
We Guarantee Customer Satisfaction! Implemented Successfully in shows since 2011 Promoted/communicated via multiple methods: Print Ads, , Online, PR