CORA ASR Gateway 26.0/ASOG 51 Release September 2015
ASOG 51/CORA ASR Gateway – 26.0 CenturyLink will implement the ASOG Version 51 Industry Standard changes to the ASR forms and fields effective on September 21, These changes were decided upon at an industry level with participating members of the OBF Committees. For detailed information about the changes, refer to the ATIS website: In support of the release, CenturyLink will implement upfront validations in the CORA (CenturyLink Online Request Application) ASR Gateway impacting all ASRs being transmitted through CORA electronically via the web-based CORA GUI, or through direct connections, such as NDM or UOM interfaces. 2
ASOG Changes ASOG 51
ASOG 51: ASOG Issues included in this Release 4 ATIS Issue NumberDescriptionChampion 3505Private IP and Dedicated Internet ServicesVerizon 3516ASOG Enhancements for MEF OVC/ENNI Service AttributesASO Committee 3522CNO field LengthVerizon 3523LAG (Link Aggregation Group) IDCenturyLINK 3526IP AddressASO Committee 3527WACD1 field addition to SES formCenturyLINK 3528ASOG Enhancements for MEF reference documentsASO Committee ----ATIS changes for technical reference updatesATIS
ASOG 51: New Forms ASR ordering forms were modified to add the following: DIS – Dedicated Internet Service PIP – Private Internet Protocol PVC – Permanent Virtual Connection 5
ASOG 51: New Fields ACCESS ORD – Added to the CONFIRMATION form. ACCESS-CKT - Added to the ACI and CONFIRMATION forms. EASBDW – Added to the ACI form. EPS - Added to EVC form. EU - Added to ASR form. IPAI2 – Added to ACI form. NPVC – Added to ASR form. OFC – Added to ACI (PRILOC/SECLOC), SALI form. PVCI – Added to ASR form. SUBNET MASK2 – Added to ACI form. VPN-NM – Added to EVC form. WACD1 – Added to SES form. 6
ASOG 51: Modified Fields ACT – Field on ASR form modified valid entries. ACTL – Field on ASR form modified USAGE NOTES to support DIS, PIP and PVC forms. AFO – Field on ASR form modified valid entries. APOT – Field on ASR form added definition NOTE 4. ASC-EC – Field on ASR form modified usage NOTE 1. ASN – Field on EVC form modified usage NOTE 1. ASR ordering forms – Modified to add the DIS, PIP and PVC. CEV-CP – Modified field definition on the EVC form for MEF reference document CKR – Field on ASR form modified usage NOTE 1. CMI-I – Modified field definition on the EVC form to add clarification for the UNI end point. CNO – Field modified on the ASR, CN forms to increase field length to 16 characters and add supporting examples. DLCI – Field on CONFIRMATION form modified usage NOTE 1, 2, 3. ECCKT – Field on ASR form modified usage NOTE 1 for reference to PVCI field. ES – Field on ACI form modified usage NOTE 1, 2, 3 in support of new forms. EUNAME – Field on SALI form added usage NOTE 5 to require when EU field is “Y”. EVCI – Field on ASR form modified to remove reference to Ethernet Virtual Connection as well as modification to VALID ENTRIES and USAGE NOTES to support new DIS, PVC and PIP forms. EVCMPID – Modified definition notes on the EVC form to clarify MEF reference to IP ADDRESS – Modified definition on the SES, ACI form to change wording from Internet Protocol Version to Internet Protocol Address. IPAI – Modified definition and usage notes on ACI form. 7
ASOG 51: Modified Fields LAG – Modified usage NOTE 1 on ASR form to add REQTYP of “D”. LAG-ID – Modified usage NOTE 1 on EUSA, SES and TRANSPORT forms to “Required when the LAG field on the ASR Form is “E”, otherwise optional. LAG-P – Modified definition NOTE 1 on EUSA, SES and TRANSPORT to add MEF reference document MSFS – Modified field name from UNI-MSFS to MSFS on EVC, SES, EUSA, TRANSPORT, ACI. Field definition was modified to the following: -Add MEF reference document Add additional clarification of application to OVC and ENNI services. -Removed reference to UNI in Maximum Frame Size Value. -Updated Example to reflect frame size of NCON – Modified usage NOTE 3 on SALI form for optional when EU field on ASR form is “Y”. NUT – Field modified valid entries NOTE 1 and 2. P-BIT – Modified definition on EVC form to add OVC to reference. PI – Modified valid entries NOTE 3 on SALI form to indicate “Required when the EU field on the ASR form is “Y”. PROFE – Field on ACI form modified usage NOTE 1. QSA – Field on ASR form added description NOTE 2 for QSA cannot be greater than “01” when the REQTYP field is “D” or “P”, modified USAGE notes. QTY – Field on ASR modified definition NOTE 10 QTY will be associated to the Port and must be equal to one (1) when PVCI field is “B. (NPVC field is associated to the number of PVCs and is not limited to one (1).). Modified Usage NOTES to support new ASR forms. 8
ASOG 51: Modified Fields REF NUM – Modified on CNR form to remove reference to EVC. REQTYP - Modified on ASR form to add new types of D and P. RTR – Modified on ASR form on valid entries NOTE 1, 2 for reference to PVCI field. SASN – Modified on SALI form on usage NOTE 1 for new REQTYPEs of D and P. SECLOC – Modified on CONFIRMATION form for usage NOTE 1, 2 and 3. SPEC – Modified on ASR form to prohibit when PVCI field is A. SRN – Field on ASR was altered on form location from field 29 to field 49. UREF – Modified on CNR form NOTE 1 to remove reference to EVC. VC CKR – Field renamed from EVC CKR field on CONFIRMATION form. VC ID – Field renamed from EVC ID field on CONFIRMATION form. VC ORD – Field renamed from EVC ORD field on CONFIRMATION form. VC NUM – Field renamed from EVC/VC NU field on CONFIRMATION, CLARIFICATION form. 9
CORA 26.0 Edits and Enhancements CORA 26.0
CORA 26.0: New Forms New forms associated with REQTYP of “D” (Dedicated Internet Services ) and “P” (Private Internet Protocol) CenturyLink processes will not support entries of “D” or “P”; the new forms associated with REQTYP “D” and “P” will not be used and are prohibited. 11
CORA 26.0: New Fields EU (End User Indicator) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. PVCI (Permanent Virtual Connection Indicator) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. NPVC (Number of Permanent Virtual Connections) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. 12
CORA 26.0: New Fields IPAI2 (Second Internet Protocol Address Identifier) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. SUBNET MASK2 (Second Subnet Mask) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. ACCESS-CKT (Access Circuit ID) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. EASBDW (Ethernet Access Supplemental Bandwidth) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. 13
CORA 26.0: New Fields OFC (Optical Fiber Connector) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. EPS (Egress Profile Selection) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. VPN-NM (Virtual Private Network Name) CenturyLink processes will not be utilizing this field. This field will be grayed out in CORA GUI and ignored if populated in UOM/NDM applications. WACD1 (Work Authorization Circuit Detail 1) Identifies the first circuit/facility cross-connected in the same wire center. This field is conditional. Required when the service being ordered is cross-connected to an existing service of equal value, otherwise prohibited. 14
CORA 26.0: SPEC Changes ASR.SPEC ETHTSAA Required (Ethernet Port Over SONET) For REQTYP “E” or “S”, if the Ethernet Port Over SONET NC code is KQPC, KRSY, KRSB, KQPD, KRPZ, KRRA, KRPF, KRRB, KRPI, KRRC, KRP0, KRRD, KRPU, or KRRG, SPEC of ETHTSAA is required. ASR.SPECs for EoDS1 Off Net (Ethernet over DS1) New EoDS1 SPEC codes: ONTLS – Transparent LAN service port using Off Net customer provided DS1. ONNONT – Non-TLS port using Off Net customer provided DS1. ONSVM – Service Mux port using Off Net customer provided DS1. If SPEC field on the ASR form is "ONTLS", or "ONNONT", or "ONSVM", the RPON field on the ASR form is required. EUSA.NC (Network Channel Code) Usage Note Change: When the REQTYP is “E”, ACT is “N”, and the EUSA.NC is KRRG, the ASR SPEC field must be populated with either GEOMAX, OWSPL, or ETHTSAA. TRANS.NC (Network Channel Code) Usage Note Change: When the REQTYP is “S”, ACT is “N”, and the TRANS.NC is KRRG, the ASR SPEC field must be populated with either GEOMAX, OWSPL, or ETHTSAA. 15
CORA 26.0: New or Changed Validations IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) Definition modified: From: Identifies the Internet Protocol Version Address within the network interface device at a host or end user location for Ethernet based service. To: Identifies the Internet Protocol Address within the network interface device at a host or end user location for Ethernet based service. ASR.RPON New validation rule is being added as follows: Usage NOTE 3: Required when SPEC is ONTLS, ONNONT, or ONSVM. TRANS.MSFS (Maximum Service Frame Size) Usage Note Change: CenturyLink specific validation - This field is not used and is prohibited. 16
CORA 26.0: New or Changed Validations ACI.MSFS (Maximum Service Frame Size) Usage Note Change: CenturyLink specific validation - This field is not used and is prohibited SES.MSFS (Maximum Service Frame Size) Usage Note Change: CenturyLink specific validation - This field is not used and is prohibited EUSA.MSFS (Maximum Service Frame Size) Usage Note Change: CenturyLink specific validation - This field is not used and is prohibited. 17