Protagonists & Antagonists
Who are they?
Real Life Heroes and Villains HeroesVillains
A Protagonist is… The Leading Character The Leading Character A Supporter of a Cause A Supporter of a Cause The Leader of a Movement The Leader of a Movement The Hero The Hero Driven to Pursue the Goal of the Story Driven to Pursue the Goal of the Story
An Antagonist is… The character who is in opposition of what the protagonist stands for. The character who is in opposition of what the protagonist stands for. The opponent, competitor, or rival. The opponent, competitor, or rival. The Villain (their description may match this) The Villain (their description may match this) Not always a person. Not always a person. Might be an inner conflict within the protagonist. Might be an inner conflict within the protagonist.
Root Words Pro(tagonist) For something (a cause) Ant(agonist) Against something (what the protagonist is for)
How can we tell the difference between Protagonists and Antagonists in a story? It depends on the AUTHOR & Point of View It depends on the AUTHOR & Point of View Two different authors can write the same story about the same characters, but they can be portrayed COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY. Two different authors can write the same story about the same characters, but they can be portrayed COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY. An antagonist can be writing a story about themselves and portray themselves as the hero. An antagonist can be writing a story about themselves and portray themselves as the hero. The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!
Homework: What kind of character do you want to be? P ROTAGONIST Begin thinking of characteristics for either a hero or villain, protagonist or antagonist in a story. Write those characteristics down and bring them to class tomorrow. It can be based on a real person, completely from your imagination, or you can be inspired by a literary character. Antagonist