Open XML Developer Workshop Office Open XML Architecture A developer’s introduction to the file formats
Open XML Developer Workshop Disclaimer The information contained in this slide deck represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This slide deck is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this slide deck may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this slide deck. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this slide deck does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, 2007 Microsoft Office System,.NET Framework 3.0, Visual Studio, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Open XML Developer Workshop Objectives In this module, we will learn about the architecture of the Office Open XML formats. Primary focus is on concepts that apply to all three main document types. Details specific to word processing documents, spreadsheets, or presentations will be covered in separate modules for each of those document types.
Open XML Developer Workshop Evolution of Document Authoring Old approach: linear, static Temporary electronic document, permanent paper document Face-to-face collaboration using paper documents; requires physical presence Binary formats optimized for the high cost of storage and bandwidth; proprietary New approach: dynamic, interactive Permanent electronic document, temporary paper document Digital collaboration using electronic documents; participants in many locations XML-based formats optimized for flexibility, reusability, and maintainability; open standards CreatePrintArchive GenerateEditSendEditReceive
Open XML Developer Workshop Formats describe information Define content appearance Structure content for business processes Enable machines (software) to use information Software applications use information Provide functionality for authoring, organizing, developing, representing, evaluating, reviewing, collaborating, validating, calculating, protecting, and printing information Formats can influence application design, and vice versa Open Document Format (ODF) and OpenOffice functionality Office Open XML and Microsoft Office functionality Document Formats and Applications -5-
Open XML Developer Workshop Features of Office Open XML Open Open XML Formats standardization: ECMA-376, ISO/IEC XML-based formats for predictable long- term interoperability Royalty-free licenses enable broad access to technology Forward-looking ZIP compression of the format reduces file sizes Segmented storage improves data recovery and programmatic access Full accessibility support Compatible Full support for Microsoft Office functionality Compatibility with Office 2000, XP, and 2003 Bulk document conversion tools available
Open XML Developer Workshop Demo: Open XML In Action DB VM Linux OS Web Server Tomcat JSP Application IE Windows OS Word Generate Document 3. Edit Document 4. Upload 5. Publish to Web 6. View in Browser 2. Download ServerDesktop DEMO
Open XML Developer Workshop Levels of Interoperability Reference and Custom-defined Schemas Custom-defined Schemas Data-oriented (e.g.: Price, Invoice) business information Enable System Integration XML Reference Schemas Display-oriented (Bold, Italics, Tables, Paragraphs, Styles,…) Document Format Enable Archival and File Formats Interoperability
Open XML Developer Workshop Levels of Interoperability Technical Interoperability John Doe Health Agency XML Reference Schemas Display-oriented (for example, Bold, Italics, Tables, Paragraphs, Styles) Document Format Enable Archival and File Formats Interoperability
Open XML Developer Workshop Custom-defined Schemas Data-oriented (for example, Price, Invoice) business information Enable System Integration 3/24/2004 Health Agency % … Levels of Interoperability Semantic interoperability
Open XML Developer Workshop Word: a 27-year evolution Word for Mac1985 (Mac).DOC.RTF 1990 (by DEC 1987) XML 2003 Office 2000 Word for Windows 1.0 (Windows) 1989 Office XP Office 2003 Office 2007 Word 12 Office 97 Multi-Tool Word 1983 (Xenix) Word (DOS) Word Word Word Word v.X 2001 (OS X) Word Word for OS/ Word (UNIX) Office 2010 Word 14
Open XML Developer Workshop XML in Office: a 13-year evolution Office 2000 XML Document Properties Office 97 Binary formats Office XP Spreadsheet XML Office 2003 WordProcessingML SpreadsheetML Custom schemas 2007 Office system PresentationML XML-based formats 2010 Office system ISO/IEC Standard
Open XML Developer Workshop User View of Open XML Files Single file Compact Corruption resistant Segmented architecture Corruption of any part would not prohibit opening Separation of macro-enabled content Macro-enabled extension end with “m” instead of “x” (e.g..docm) VBA, Excel Macro-Sheets, PowerPoint Action Commands Enforced at runtime by 2007/2010 Office programs
Open XML Developer Workshop Programmer View of Open XML Files ZIP Archive Document Parts XML Parts Binary Parts Typed (RFC 2616) Relationships Connections between parts Content Type Stream A specially-named stream Defines mappings from part names to content types Not itself a part, not URI addressable Folder structure for convenience only
Open XML Developer Workshop Hello World Creating the minimal WordprocessingML document: 3 parts: document body, content types, relationships Each part is simple XML (text) Parts are packaged in a ZIP archive Result: a well-formed Open XML document
Open XML Developer Workshop ISO/IEC Office Open XML Specifications WordprocessingMLSpreadsheetMLPresentationML ZIPXML + Unicode DrawingML Content Types Custom XMLBibliography Markup Languages Relationships Metadata Digital Signatures VML (legacy)Equations Open Packaging Convention Core Technologies Vocabularies
Open XML Developer Workshop ISO/IEC Office Open XML Specifications WordprocessingMLSpreadsheetMLPresentationML ZIPXML + Unicode DrawingML Content Types Custom XMLBibliography Markup Languages Relationships Metadata Digital Signatures VML (legacy)Equations Open Packaging Convention Core Technologies Vocabularies Module 06, 07AModule 03, 04 Module 07BModule 05 Module 08 Module 02 Module 01, 09 Module 02
Open XML Developer Workshop Office Open XML File Formats Extensions Macro-FreeMacro-Enabled DocumentTemplateDocumentTemplate docxdotxdocmdotm pptxpotxpptmpotm xlsxxltxxlsmxltm Open Packaging Convention
Open XML Developer Workshop Enforce organizational standards for document formatting. Document Style part Standardized look and feel Developer Scenario: Styling Content
Open XML Developer Workshop Remove confidential information, tracked changes or metadata from outbound documents: Remove macros, inappropriate language, or other content from inbound documents: Developer Scenario: Content Inspection Open XML Processing Open XML Processing
Open XML Developer Workshop Back-end system (LOB/CRM/etc.) Development Scenario: Consuming Documents Create expense reports as spreadsheet documents, which are loaded into a back-end system on the server: Open XML Processing Authoring environment (Microsoft Office, etc.)
Open XML Developer Workshop Create sales reports from financial and forecast data stored in a CRM system: Calculated data Manual entries Existing content Web client or rich client allows user to select or enter content criteria Development Scenario: Document Assembly
Open XML Developer Workshop Link content controls to nodes in the XML data store Mappings use standard XPath expressions Office offers built-in support for mapping to metadata Developers can bind custom XML to content controls 2-way binding between user changes and custom XML XML Data Binding Customers
Open XML Developer Workshop XML Data Binding
Open XML Developer Workshop Open XML Interoperability LinuxJavaMicrosoftCOM ZIP Library Minizip zLib J2SE Framework 3.0+ System.IO. Packaging* Xceed ActiveX controls XML Library Apache XercesJAXP.NET Framework 3.0+ System.Xml Open XML SDK 2.0 MSXML * Includes abstractions for OPC concepts ** Includes classes for package parts (strongly typed parts)
Open XML Developer Workshop The ISO/IEC Spec Where to get the final approved IS29500 specification home page has latest link Organization of the spec 1. Fundamentals 2. Open Packaging Conventions 3. Markup Compatibility and Extensibility 4. Transitional Migration Features Reference Schemas (XSD, RelaxNG)
Open XML Developer Workshop Formed by 40 companies to share developer information about the Office Open XML file formats Articles with full source code for C#, VB, Java, XSLT Forums for posting technical questions
Open XML Developer Workshop