Your partner in Global Sourcing
Emcon is supplying the industry with technical parts and assemblies, which are produced by partners in Asia and Central Europe. Reliable partners who deliver high quality at competitive prices. Emcon stands out in the market because of quality, delivery reliability and excellent customer support. Industrial Supply
In addition to the supply of technical products Emcon supports customers in their aim to reduce cost and improve quality. We are focussed to deliver optimum price/quality ratio for our customers by carefully selecting suppliers but also by offering solutions in the field of cost engineering. Emcon has partners in Europe and Asia for design and value engineering. Partners with expertise in a wide range of production techniques. We offer our customers interesting possibilities to re-engineer products. Engineering
Many countries in Asia are still interesting for low cost production. However, for companies looking for market growth, fast expanding markets as China and India are an excellent opportunity. To be successful in Asia, local production and sales are often required. For many companies this is a risky and difficult step. We support and facilitate companies intending to start their own production and sales activities in Asia. Not as a consultant but as part of our long term commitment to your success. Local production and sales
Our Chinese partner Polaris offers a full range of services for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and Suppliers. From engineering to sourcing to local production and eventually marketing and sales services, Emcon and Polaris have established a true one stop shop for customers looking to purchase and/or sales in a fast growing China. Polaris, Shanghai
Production areaQC department Polaris, Shanghai
WarehouseOffice Polaris, Shanghai
Machined parts from aluminum and stainless steel for medical equipment Products examples
Stamping part with RoHS compliant coating Precision extrusion part for mechanical assemblies Products examples Machined parts from duplex steel
Mechanical assembly for high-tech market Investment casting + machining for measuring equipment Powder metal part, machined and coated Products examples
Aluminum shelving for the mushroom industry Machined castings for the food processing industry Welded structures for the machine building industry Products examples
Contact If you still have any questions, or if you would like more information, please feel free to contact us. Emcon B.V.T Industrieterrein 40NF NK The Netherlands Lets get in touch to discuss how we can support your business!
Your partner in Global Sourcing