EIDOLON : OAK LEAVES c 2014 stainless steel painted, 3 meters hi. X 2 m. dia. Zhongdong Group, Changchun, China. $30,000. theme of nature.
FLUID DYNAMICS c 2013 aluminum & steel powder coated. 7.5’hi. X 6’d. x 30’L., 5 th St. & Patterson Ave., Dayton, OH. Pflaum Family Foundation Commission for City of Dayton. Theme: The site was once a 19 th century canal.
FENESTRAE AETERNITATIS : BOOKS INTO INFINITY C 2013, TX pink granite & stainless steel, 8.5’hi. X 5’d. x 18’L. White Rock Hills Public Library, Dallas, TX. Dallas Public % Art Project. Theme of books, learning, reading, inquiry, reference to site architecture.
EIDOLON : ATOM, c 2012, steel painted, 30’hi. X 15’dia., Chisty Prudi Intl. Sculpture Park, Penza, Russia. $80,000. theme of the atom.
SUBLIME PORTAL : WHISPERING STONES, c 2011, ME granite, 14’hi. X 14’w. x 4’d., City Hall Park, Hancock, ME. $65,000. theme of ME portals and communication.
MEANDERING VORTEX c 2009 Stainless steel, 8’hi. X 8’d. x 30’L., Wu Xi Tai Lake Garden, Shenzhen, China. theme of fluid dynamics, the vortex, using the dodecahedron.
FIREWALL, c 2010 steel powder coated, stainless steel, aluminum, bricks. 15’hi. X 45’ x 45’ x 45’ Stubbs Park, Centerville, OH. Commissioned by Miami Valley Firefighter /EMS Memorial. Theme is honoring fallen firefighters & EMS personnel.
DOUBLE HELIX, c 2010 Stainless steel, 8’hi. X 8’d. x 25’L., Diggs Life Science Lab., Wright State Univ., Dayton, OH. OAC % art project. Theme of life sciences & math, thus the double helix made with dodecahedra.
COMPASS, c 2005, stainless steel & 4 WI granites. 12’hi. X 10’w. x 3’d. Brady St. Bridge, Milwaukee, WI, Milwaukee Co. % art project. Theme of lake ship portal & discovery of 4 compass directions in local Lakota Sioux history.
SENTINELS, c 2005, WI granite, 15’hi. X 4’ x 4’, Brady St. Bridge, Milwaukee WI, Milwaukee Co. % art project.
UNCARVED BLOCK : VILNOJA, c 2004, granite & st/st bolts. 15’hi. X 6’dia., Vilnoja, Vilniaus, Lithuania. $45,000. theme of the center.
LOVE SEAT, c 2003 Granite, 9 ft. hi. X 4’w. x 20”d. Pedestrian st., Icheon, S. Korea Theme of love & communication Love poem by Yoewool Kang engraved on other side
CADUCEUS FOUNTAIN & WATER CURTAIN, c 1998 MN granite, stainless steel, glass block, fiber optic light, st/st, 18”hi. X 29” d. x 40’L. Collier Nursing Bldg., Medical Univ. OH, Toledo. OAC % art. Theme: caduceus
THROUGH THE MANGLE & INTO THE FIRE : SANCTUARY FOR THE UNKNOWN WORKER, c 1995, cast iron, wood, stone, brick chimney, 130’hi. X 24’dia., Benburb Heritage Park, outside Armagh, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland.
CLOUD HANDS, c 1994, Ukranian granite & Russian st/st. 11’square Europos Parkas Outdoor Sculpture Museum, Vilniaus, Lithuania. Theme : the “Center of europe”. Center, balance, man made with nature.
TREE OF KNOWLEDGE c 1992, bronze, 10’hi. X 8’dia. Public Library, Yellow Springs, OH $45,000. theme of books, reading, writing, art, education, schools, publishing, trees, forest, engineering.
PARADIGM c 1988, stainless steel & 66 airplane Landing lights. 100 ft. hi. X 8 ft. dia. World Expo 1988, Brisbane, Australia. Theme : world expo, DNA molecular structure, axis mundi, world tree,.
MORNING STAR II C 1988, mirror stainless steel 15 ft. dia., World Expo 1988, Brisbane, Australia. Reinstalled in Brisbane Botanical Gardens. Theme : world expo, the center, pole star, still point of turning world.