Section 134 of COMPANIES ACT, 2013 Team Globalca
INTRODUCTION The Board’s Report is important means of communication by the Board of Directors of a company with its shareholders. It is mandatory for the Board of Directors of every company to present financial statement to the shareholders along with its report, known as the “Board’s Report” at every Annual General Meeting. The Board’s Report, thus, is a comprehensive document circumscribing both financial and non- financial information.
CONTENTS 1. Details of Financial results of Both Previous and Financial Year, 2. Details about Company’s affairs and future outlook, 3. Details related to any changes in nature of Business, if any 4. Details of Dividend, if declared, 5. Extract of Annual Return in Form MGT-9 as an Annexure 6. Information about No. of Board meetings 7. Details about Loans, Guarantee & Investments u/s 186
CONTENTS 8. Details about Related party Transactions u/s 188 in form AOC-2 as an Annexure, 9. Details of Employees as per Rule 5(2) of the Companies(Appointment and Managerial Personnel Rules), Explanation about Auditors Remarks, if any 11. Details about material Changes after the close of Financial Year up to date of Report, if any, 12. Details of Directors, 13. Details of Subsidiary, Associate or Joint Venture,
CONTENTS 14. Composition of Audit Committee and Vigil Mechanism, if applicable, 15. Details of Risk Management Policy, 16. Declaration by Independent Directors, if applicable, 17. Details about Statutory Auditors, 18. Details of Change in Capital, if any, 19. Details of Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption, Foreign Exchange Earnings & outgo, 20. Director Responsibility Statement
CONTENTS 21. A statement on declaration given by Independent Directors u/s 149(6), if applicable 22. Company’ s policy on Directors appointment and remuneration u/s 178 (1), if applicable 23. The amounts, proposes to carry to any reserves, if any 24. The amount, recommended by way of dividend, if any 25. The details about Corporate Social Responsibility policy, if any 26. A statement indicating the formal evaluation has been made by the Board of its own and that of its committees and individual Directors, if applicable. 27. Any other matters as may be prescribed.
Disclosure pursuant to the Listing Agreement Clause 32 In case the shares are delisted, the fact of delisting, together with reasons therefore; In case the securities are suspended from trading, the reasons thereof; The name and address of each stock exchange at which the company’s securities are listed and also confirmation that annual listing fee has been paid to each such exchange.
Clause 49 Revised Clause of the standard Listing Agreement requires listed companies to give the following additional information in their annual reports: Management Discussion and Analysis Report (MDAR) Report on Corporate Governance Except the requirement for appointment of a women director before 31st March, 2015, the Clause 49 of the Listing agreement is not mandatory w.e.f. 1st Oct., 2014 for a listed company having paid up capital less than Rs. 10 Crores or net worth less than Rs. 25 Crores For exempted companies needs to give disclosure for compliances under clause 49 of the listing agreement for the year
APPROVAL Not To Be Dealt By means of a resolution passed by circulation In any meeting held through video conferencing or other audio visual means. The Board’s Report should be considered, approved and signed At the Board Meeting
As per Secretarial Standard-1, Any Director participating through electronic mode in respect of restricted items with the express permission of chairman shall however, neither be entitled to vote nor be counted for the purpose of quorum in respect of approval of Director’s Report.
Restricted Items APPROVAL OF Annual Financial Statement Board’s Report Prospectus MATTERS RELATING TO Amalgamation Merger, De- Merger Acquisition Takeover AND In meetings of Audit Committee for the consideration of annual financial statement including consolidated financial statement,
SECRETARIAL STANDARD Notified on 23 rd April, 2015 Applicable w.e.f 01 st July, 2015
SIGNING OF THE BOARD’S REPORT Required to be signed by: Chairperson of the company if he is authorized by the Board and If he is not so authorized, shall be signed by (a)at least two directors, one of whom shall be a managing director, or (b) by the director where there is one director.
FILING OF THE BOARD’S REPORT Copies of financial statement along with all documents required to be annexed should be filed with the Registrar of Companies within 30 days along with the prescribed fees, after the financial statement, including consolidated financial statement have been adopted at the Annual General Meeting. Resolution for approving the Board’s Report is also required to be filed to the Registrar within 30 days from the approval by the Board.
LIABILITY FOR MIS-STATEMENT Punishable with : Imprisonment shall not be less than six months but which may extend to ten years Fine shall not be less than the amount involved in the fraud, but which may extend to three times the amount involved in the fraud.
With Best Regards from: TEAM GLOBALCA