With Nicholas Montei April 21, 2013 Welcome to…
To take a meter on their feelings, what’s going on in their life, etc.
In Literacy / English as a book review or suggestion…
As a review for what they’re learning… quizzes, tests, what’s going to be new today, etc.
83% of American adults own some kind of cell phone– Pew Research, Half of all adult cell owners (51%) had used their phone at least once to get information they needed right away. One quarter (27%) said that they experienced a situation in the previous month in which they had trouble doing something because they did not have their phone at hand. – Pew Research, 2011.
According to a July 2012 study, 56% of parents of children ages 8 to 12 have given their children a cell phone. The percentage goes up with age. Time for Kids, September But Only 47% of schools allow their students to leave their cellphones on silent. The Journal of Technology Studies, “Cellphones in American Schools”
Photography Projects Video Cameras Voice Recorders Calculators Encyclopedia’s Web searches / Webquests Conducting Survey
Take Multiple Choice Test True-false Quizes You can conduct Polls Students can draw Responses
I recommend a 50 inch or bigger tv for classroom viewing as opposed to a projector.
iMovie: Uses the iPad to create movies Book Creator: Digital Storytelling Polyframe: Photo Collage with text iFontMaker: Allows you to create your own font using your finger
QR reader: Or you could have your students create a piece of artwork or a story, then record your students talking about their artwork/story and post it on a web page. Attach that QR Code to the work in the hallway. Give your students time to hear other students talking about their work There’s also this idea… Or for the younger grades, there’s this…. And then there’s this…
Thanks for listening Please use some of this technology in your classroom!