Our Solar System By: Brayden Horton Our solar system is filled with bright stars. Every star has its own name. Our solar system has 8 real planets.
Our Sun Our sun is a star. The sun will die in about 10 billion years. It was born 5 billion years ago.
Mercury Mercury is the 1st planet from the sun. It is 36 million miles away from the sun. It is mainly made of iron.
Venus Venus is the hottest planet. It snows metal and rains sulphuric acid. One day on Venus is 100 earth days.
Earth Earth is the planet we live on. The Earth is made up of water and land. The Great Lakes hold ¼ of all the fresh water on Earth.
Mars Mars is the planet behind the Earth. Mars has a big spot on it. If you weigh 70 pounds on Earth you would weigh about 27 pounds on Mars.
Asteroid Belt The asteroid belt separates Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt is made of rocks or asteroids. There are billions of rocks.
Jupiter It’s the 1st outer planet. The spot on Jupiter is a hurricane that never ends. Jupiter has rings.
Saturn Saturn has rings around it. Saturn is the second outer planet. Saturn means roman god of agriculture.
Uranus The rings around Uranus are vertical. It is the 8th planet from the sun. Uranus has 27 moons
Neptune It is the 9th planet from the sun. The diameter is 49,528 kilometers. Neptune’s orbit of the sun is offset.
Pluto Pluto is a dwarf planet. Pluto is the coldest planet. Pluto is not part of the 8 planets because scientists call it a dwarf planet.
Stars Every single star has its own name. The sun is the star in the middle of our solar system. Stars can be found in different colors.
Moon The moon orbits the Earth. The moon has a gravity pull on Earth to cause big tides on the ocean. It is the only moon Earth owns.
Meteors They make huge holes in the earth. It can be yellow flames or blue flames. It is about 30 to 40 miles above Earth’s surface.
Galaxy We live in the galaxy called The Milky Way. It looks like a cloud. There are so many galaxies that they cannot be counted.
Telescopes A telescope helps you see things up close in the sky. It can be made as a plastic toy or even as a gold fortune . Telescopes come in different sizes.