LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH ACTIVE LEARNING Second Comenius Project Meeting May, 3-5, 2012 Giurgiu – Romania Tudor Vianu High School
The students learn best when they are actively involved in the process. By means of collaboration students can learn from each other, support themselves, communicate and extend their knowledge. Besides the educational benefits, students develop their team spirit, tolerance and mutual respect.
In this lesson, students explore various types of electromagnetic waves. They watch a video fragment and use an interactive activity that explains both the range of the spectrum and common sources of electromagnetic waves.
Objectives To understand that there are different types of electromagnetic waves, To understand that we experience natural electromagnetic radiation from the sun and from terrestrial sources, and human-made electromagnetic radiation from sources such as cell phones, microwave ovens, and power lines, To understand that astronomical objects emit electromagnetic radiation at all frequencies and by observing objects at different frequencies their structure and phenomena can be understood more deeply.
Plan of collaboration Purpose Improving learning content for electromagnetic waves Type Investigating the electromagnetic waves, sharing ideas and exchanging information by receiving and providing feedback Place The work will take place in the classroom and it will be a short-term group project CollaboratorsStudents in a classroom Digital InstrumentsBookmarking website, wiki.
What do we learn ? Suitable objectives as collaboration purposes Electromagnetic waves Identify practical sources of electromagnetic waves and the method of production Identification of practical scientific and technical applications of electromagnetic waves. Qualitative explanation of electromagnetic waves used in the operation of machines and devices.
I. Classifying electromagnetic waves Activities Students are involved into a brainstorming type activity about electromagnetic waves and objects that emit radiations.
II. Comparing electromagnetic waves by taking into consideration the wavelength and frequency Activity: Students are watching a podcast using a website recommended by the teacherelectromagnetic spectrum, analyze different regions of the frequency spectrum and devices emitting radiation for each frequency / wavelength and will answer questions like:electromagnetic spectrum Which are the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum? What do common electromagnetic waves have in common and how do they differ? What sources of electromagnetic radiation do you encounter in everyday life?
III. Studying types of electromagnetic waves in terms of generation, detection, properties and applications. Documentation activity in which students collect information about types of electromagnetic waves studied and completed a worksheet joint boxes using a wiki or mind mapping. The information collected is stored and labeled on a bookmarking site. magneticehttp://oscilatii2011.wikispaces.com/Unde+electro magnetice
III. Studying types of electromagnetic waves in terms of generation, detection, properties and applications. Activity: Using information gathered in documentation work, students will make a presentation of research results of various regions of the spectrum, common devices that emit electromagnetic radiation and effects on the environment or themselves. Each team discusses and analyzes the selected information of the documentation activity and prepare the final work (a PowerPoint presentation or a interactiv poster with..).
Students projects UV Microwave Infrared X-Rays
Resources neDVD/Files/imagine/docs/science/know_l1/emspec trum.html neDVD/Files/imagine/docs/science/know_l1/emspec trum.html phys.mfw.spectrum/#.T2YN43nV8rU.facebook phys.mfw.spectrum/#.T2YN43nV8rU.facebook ature=colike ature=colike manian manian
"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.“ George Bernard Shaw
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.