By: Kadesha McNish
Birthday parties, trips, or even grandma’s favorite purse all consist of candy. Parents are fearful of birthday parties due to the amount of sugar at the party. They start to think of the effects of how sugar consumption can take over their child, and make them run wild.
There are many reasons why parents believe that sugar is the cause of hyper activeness. This myth is most popular and evident in the media today. Movies such as daddy daycare or even Nanny McPhee, consist of scenes where children are given sugar. The upcoming scenes are the same children running, jumping, and doing countless things that would drive any person insane. These movies try to show a connection between the two.
Many parents try their best to keep their children away from candy, cakes, donuts, and any other foods that clearly consist of an overload of sugar; but does sugar really cause hyperactivity?
Sugar consumption does NOT make kids hyper. According to Mark Wolraich, who is the chief of pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma states, “more than 20 studies show that sugar has no effect on behavior.” In fact, this myth is guilt by association. There are many factors that can cause a burst of energy, but sugar is not the culprit. References: Lamb, M. (2006). What you've heard: "Sugar makes kids hyper". Parenting, 20(6), 31.
Mark Wolraich believes this myth is a matter of perception. In a study, moms were told that their child had eaten sugar. Those parents that were told that their children had eaten sugar rated their child as very hyper; while another set of children had eaten artificial sweetener rated their children as not hyper at all. Parents did not know that both set of children ate the artificial sweetener.
Numerous studies show that the connection between hyperactive children and sugar is a myth. According to Sachs J, “a few drops of sugar in water can soothe a fussing baby.” In this article, Sachs J explains that too much sugar is not healthy for a child, but sugar is not the sole reason as to why children are hyper after consumption. References Sachs, J. (2004). the truth about sugar. Parenting, 18(5),
Parenthood is one of the most scariest things two individuals will encounter in life. Two individuals come together to take care of a newborn baby, and as they enjoy the joyfulness the child brings, they also question the early choices they make for that child. Raising a child is like walking on a tight rope. Parents do not want to feel like a failure. They want to make sure everything is perfect for that first child, whether it’s what they wear, their education, family time, and most importantly, what they eat. Yes too much sugar may cause your child to have cavities, or health problems; but sugar is not the reason why your child is hyper! children are simply just………hyper.