Senior Parent Night September 9, 2015
Counseling and Career Center Staff Mrs. Wheless, Counselor– Students A-G Mrs. White, Counselor – Students H-P Mrs. Lee, Lead Counselor – Students Q-Z Mrs. Rook – Career Development Coordinator Mrs. Mitchell – Secretary Mr. Seth Rose – Carolina College Advising Corps
Future Ready Graduation Requirements English – 4 credits Science – 3 credits (Earth, Biology and a physical science) Social Studies – 4 credits (World History, Civics and Am. History I/II or AP US + one) Health and PE Math – 4 credits (Algebra I/Math I, Geometry/Math II, Math III and a 4 th math, aligned with student’s post hs plans) In rare instances, a student may take an alternative math sequence in place of Algebra II and 4 th math World Language – not required for graduation but required for admission to UNC system schools 8 Elective Credits – 2 of any combination from CTE, Arts, World Language; 4 strongly recommended from one of the following: CTE, Arts, and any other subject area (e.g. math, science, social studies, English) All students must complete a Graduation Project
Change in Grading Scale/Quality Points 7-point grading scale 9th-11th grades 2 QP - AP; 1 QP for COA/Honors 10th, 11th, 12th grades 10-point grading scale 12th grade 1 QP - AP/COA;.5QP - Honors 9th grade and beyond
NC Academic Scholars* 4 units of English 4 units of Math 3 units of Science – Earth, Bio, Chemistry or Physics 4 units of Social Studies 2 units of World Language 1 unit of HPE 4 credits constituting a concentration from one of the following: CTE, Arts, World Language, any other subject area* Graduation Project Minimum GPA: 3.5 unweighted
Global Scholars Minimum of 6 of the following: AP European History AP World History AP Human Geo AP Lit min. 3 levels of world language Multicultural studies/other pre-approved global studies Meaningful Global Experience - China Partnership, Model UN, etc. Required: min. unweighted GPA of 3.5 and graduation project on a global issue
STEM Scholars Minimum of 6 of the following: AP Bio/Chem/Physics/Environmental Science AP Stats/Calculus AP Computer Science Other college-level STEM course (to be approved in advance) Certification in a CTE field At least one online course Other pre-approved STEM course Meaningful STEM experience, such as STEM Club, service learning, shadowing Required: min. unweighted GPA of 3.5 and graduation project on a STEM issue
Athletic Eligibility Seniors must be taking at least two 90- minute classes and one year long class first semester to be eligible for sports in the spring or three year long and one 90-minute class If you plan to play spring sports and you do not have enough classes, see your counselor today
State Board of Education Guiding Mission... “every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century” With that in mind, it is important to look at career and college information
High School Student Career Planning Think about it… People often invest more time planning their Vacation than planning their Career!!!
An “Information Gap” Exists: “Typical” Resources Used to Choose Career l TV = There is a big difference between TV drama and “real life”. l Friends = They’ll know what sounds “cool”, but unless they have proactively used the career /college tools available, they are probably not a knowledgeable source of information. l Life’s Interactions = OK, you have used the services of Dentists, Pharmacists, Teachers, etc. but… Do you really know what it is like to do their job? l Parent = A great source, if your parent’s career happens to be “the right one” out of several hundred possibilities for you.
Here’s The Dilemma l The stakes have never been higher l A college degree assures you of an education…not a successful future l A variety of tools and opportunities are available for informed decision making l The CHALLENGE is to inform and motivate the students
So then what happens? l “My son just graduated from college. He doesn’t have a clue what he wants to do. Maybe forensics. Maybe art.” l “My daughter is a sophomore in college and she hates her major (accounting). She is changing majors, but doesn’t know what to choose. That means at least one more year of college that we cannot afford. l “Now that I have a college degree, I need to think about a career. I majored in Marketing, but I’m not sure that’s what I want to do.” l “I hate my major, but switching involves two more years of college. My parents would kill me. I’ll gut it out. Maybe I’ll learn to like it.” l “I wish I had known four years ago what I know now. I would have taken career and college planning more seriously. My major was easy and fun, but now I cannot get a decent job.”
Points to Ponder… l After adjusting for inflation, U.S. college students are borrowing about twice as much money as they did a decade ago.about twice as much money l The average college graduate accumulates approximately $33,000 in student loan debt by graduation day. approximately $33,000 Be honest with your student about what you can afford!
Post-Secondary Options First – consider your career goals Second – research training opportunities Finally – compare each of your training options to determine which suits you best ■ Two- or Four-Year College? ■ Technical School? ■ Military? ■ On-the-Job Training?
Making the Right College Choice *There are over 3,000 colleges in the US! * Narrow your choices by doing research * Majority of the students spend more time researching cars than colleges!
Making the Right Choice Cont’d * Schedule Campus Visits while college is in session * Virtual Tours * Take advantage of College Day- Sunday, October 18th 5:00- 6:30PM at FFHS * Talk with college admissions counselors *Talk with students who attend your favorite colleges * Make sure you have the “right fit” * Look at the colleges’ academics, facilities, services, opportunities, location, etc.
Students: College Applications and Transcripts Colleges want applications completed online. Some have online or printable recommendations. Make sure you give your counselor/teacher recommendation forms. Turn in any printed forms, including teacher recommendations or payment forms to Mrs. Mitchell 2 weeks before deadlines. If you apply online, let Mrs. Mitchell know the next day, and she will mail your transcript; let counselors know if recommendations need to be completed online.
APPLICATION DEADLINES….. Counselors recommend that students apply for college by November 1 UNC-CH and NC State by October 15
College Essays *College Admissions Counselors really DO read the essays! *Personal Statement- written from the bottom of your heart *Start early; be honest; show your best side; have your English teacher and another adult read over them
Students: Need a Recommendation – allow two weeks notice! Select a teacher, coach, club sponsor who can write about your abilities and personal qualities Select an outside person who has supervised you in a church, community, volunteer or work activity and who can write about your special abilities, achievements and personal qualities Do NOT have a family member write a letter of recommendation Provide an envelope to the person writing the recommendation Provide an activities list or resume Provide information about the school to which you are applying
SAT Writing, Critical Reading and Math Note: some colleges, including NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill require SAT II for math placement; Duke and Wake Forest may require it for admissions Dates: October 3 – register by September 3 November 7 – register by October 9 December 5 – register by November 5 Additional dates online
Parent Tips Colleges report concerns over applications/essays being completed by parents Guide your student - do not do it for him/her Admissions offices welcome calls -- from students!
Scholarships FFHS can nominate two individuals for the following scholarships: ■ Park Scholarship – NC State ■ Morehead Scholarship – UNC-Chapel Hill Students who wish to be considered should complete information available in counseling center - due September 11.
Scholarships Levine Scholars - UNC-Charlotte - counselors can recommend students for consideration Check out college websites: ■applicants considered if meeting November deadline ■some scholarships require separate application
Important Dates Senior Conferences – beginning Thursday, Sept. 10 – have your parent schedule a conference with your counselor SAT and ACT- online at College Day – October 18 FFHS 5-6:30 p.m. FAFSA Workshop- January 6, :30PM
Mr. Rose: College Adviser Fast Facts From Durham; graduated UNC-CH in FFHS every Monday and Wednesday Here to help with questions about college: paying for college, applications, choosing the right college, anything you can ask to 81010