HHHS Registration Put your name, teacher’s name, class period, and due date – assigned by teacher on your envelope.
Check contents of packet: Registration packet – complete the registration form front and back. Return this to the teacher after removing the top cover sheet. Keep the instruction sheet. 2 sets course selection sheets – these help you choose classes at HHHS and KCC and to find correct computer codes. Confidential health history form – please complete and return to your teacher. Items to return – health history form and registration form. Check for signatures!
How Do I graduate? Please review your plan with your counselor at registration as your credits are your responsibility. You must take and pass the STAARS exam to graduate – End of Course exams in 5 subjects. Summer school info will be available in April for accelerated and in May for credit recovery in the Guidance office. It is very important for you to attend summer school, if necessary, and it is your responsibility to register for summer school. Note: Summer school registration will be at Skipcha Elementary on June 6 th & 7th.
If you are moving out of KISD… If you are moving out of KISD, check #1 on your registration form, put a big X on the class choice grid, have YOUR PARENTS SIGN THE FORM, and then return it to your teacher. You do not need to do any other paperwork if you are moving. Just telling your counselor that you are moving out of KISD next year is not enough, you must do the form as instructed above.
Advanced programs Advanced Placement courses – offers testing opportunity in May to earn possible college credit. Dual Credit classes – Central Texas College classes taught on our campus that allow you to earn college credit while in high school. Deadline for dual credit paperwork is May 4th. The next TSI test for dual credit is April 7 th or you can take it at Central Texas College for a small fee. Keep in mind – all advanced programs are more challenging and rigorous and this will be your senior year. These classes will require a significant investment of your time and effort.
Killeen Career Center Enrolling in KCC courses requires that you attend the KCC campus for either a half day or a full day. Be sure to give alternates for courses at HHHS when you choose the KCC in case you are not accepted. Career Center Student Info sheets (goldenrod) for certain upper level classes are due when you turn in your packet to your teacher or no later than May 4 th to the Guidance Office. You need to put these upper level classes as alternates, not choices. Career Prep I is the same thing as co-op. This is the course where you work a job 15 hours a week and may have up to 2 release periods, depending on your credits. You need to have a job already. This class does not find a job for you.
Schedule changes Next year, you may only change your elective courses the 1 st week of each semester and only if there are openings in the classes. Choose electives and alternates carefully as you may stay in the class all year. If you wish to change a level downwards, your PreAP/AP/Dual Credit teachers will be able to advise you regarding time frames for changes.
“When do I see my counselor? You already have an appointment!” We know you have questions. Every English III class has a date scheduled to come to the Guidance office so you can meet with your counselor individually and privately. Your teacher can tell you your date. When you see your counselor, we will do any additional paperwork, such as dual credit forms or Career Center forms, and address all questions you may have. We will correct your registration at that time, if necessary, so don’t worry too much about mistakes. JUST GET US THAT PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE!
How to complete the registration form… Courses to list under alternates column: 1)Dual credit requests are alternates. 2)Any activity that involves a tryout/approval such as PreAP/AP art classes, Drill team, athletic trainer, Yearbook, Color Guard, Theater production, Cheerleading, KCC, Jazz band and Jazz choir are listed as alternates. 3)Do not put releases in your schedule. List them as alternates. Seniors may possibly have one release. (form required) 4)Any activity that you wish to add for the first time requires a coach’s or sponsor’s signature in the margin or list it as an alternate.
Reminders 1)You will be taking your packet home to finish with your parent(s)s or guardian. Return the health history and registration form to your teacher ASAP 2)You cannot sign up for sports, advanced courses such as PreAP/AP, or Career Center (KCC) without your parent or guardian signature. 3)Remember your goldenrod SIS form for the KCC, if needed. ****Any detailed questions will be addressed by your counselor on your class registration date. We will advise you and fix your registration as needed.****
name Registration sheet sample – write both the course name and computer code 1)English IV )GOVT/ECON 5302/5300 – yes, you do both 3)AQR 3568 Alt – Trig/Stats-3559/3560 4)Astronomy 4706Alt – Aquatics )Elective – Journalism 1113 Alt – Dance 1 – )Soccer – girls – 2777Alt – Health – )Psychology/AP Psyc 5305/5313Alt – Soci – 5306 Alternates: Choose at least 3 (or more) alternates VERY CAREFULLY as you may be put in these classes. You may even write more alternates in the margin if you wish. Alternates are very important!