Www.scottishhealthcouncil.org Rosemary Hill Participation Network Manager Background and Introduction to the Participation Toolkit.


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Presentation transcript:

Rosemary Hill Participation Network Manager Background and Introduction to the Participation Toolkit

Participation – why do it? 1.The NHS Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 created a legal duty on NHS Boards to involve patients and the public in planning and developing health services. 2.The Scottish Health Council was established in 2005 to support, ensure and monitor Patient Focus and Public Involvement within the NHS. 3.Moving beyond the ‘must do’ to the benefits of participation?

Findings from Research 1.Evidence suggests good quality participation in health services can lead to an improvement in person centeredness, safety, efficiency and effectiveness. 2.Enhanced outcomes from patient and public involvement requires good quality participation 3.A positive culture of participation among healthcare providers can contribute to these improvements as much as, if not more than, the participation itself. 4.Patient and public participation should be regarded as a key activity to achieve the 3 quality ambitions which NHSScotland is striving to achieve.

How do we support good quality participation? 1.The emerging evidence base demonstrates the positive value of participation 2.How do our specialist teams support improvements in practice? 3.Community Engagement and Improvement Support 4.Participation Review 5.Participation Network

Toolkit Launch and Distribution

Graphic Facilitation

Nominal Group Technique

Toolkit Statistics 1,624 downloads since November ,000 printed copies produced

Most popular tools 1.Patient Diaries 2.Process Mapping 3.Comments Cards 4.Focus Groups 5.Surveys and Questionnaires 6.World Cafe 7.Solution Circles 8.Mystery Shopping 9.Storytelling 10.Electronic Questionnaires Based on downloads and pageviews since November 2010

Where are people accessing the Toolkit? UK 83% of page views 79% of downloads North America 8% of pageviews 10% of downloads Australia & New Zealand 4% of pageviews 5% of downloads

Evaluation one year on 59 people responded to the Survey Monkey questionnaire at the end of % gave a score of 3 or above out of 5 in relation to usefulness 83% of respondents would recommend the toolkit to their colleagues most useful sections - participation tools, feeding back and evaluation, and Patient Focus and Public Involvement Design

You said – we did You saidWe did Tools and resources people asked for: Talking MatsIn the revised Toolkit Co-production and asset based approaches Directed to resources from Scottish Community Development Centre VOiCE ToolDirected to resources from Scottish Community Development Centre Scottish Health Council’s Local Officers trained to support its use Emotional TouchpointsIn the revised Toolkit Digital StoriesIn the revised Toolkit

You said – we did You saidWe did More about online technologiesProduced a report on the prevalence of online technology and e-participation Scottish Health Council Event: ‘Participation Using online Technology’ Text MessagingAdded to toolkit Social MediaRevised version in toolkit EvaluationGuide added Workshop on evaluation delivered

New tools and resources in 2 nd edition of Toolkit After Action Review Digital Stories Talking Mats Emotional Touch Points Remote Services Futures Game Social Media Text Messaging Evaluation

When will the updated Toolkit be available? From April 2012 updated inserts for people who already have a hard copy. We have contact details for some but not all so please ask us. 200 new hard copies with updated inserts updated version on Scottish Health Council website We will tell people through e-Connect, , on website Please tell us how you use it and what difference it makes to your practice and to outcomes for patients and the public

Tools in practice World cafe: “We used a few of the key questions from the facilitators’ notes to make ‘menus’ for the tables; (we also put the same questions in laminated ‘speech bubbles’ stuck to the paper tablecloths). It just added a wee bit extra to the proceedings and overall feedback from the participants was very favourable.” Scottish Health Council, Highland

Tools in practice Head, Heart, Carrier Bag and Bin: “NHS Shetland used this to evaluate their Quality Award Ceremony and a number of people commented positively that it was something different to use. As the Chief Executive was summing up the event he referred to the form (left on people’s chairs) and shared with the audience his individual responses to Head, Heart, Carrier Bag and Bin.” Scottish Health Council, Shetland

References Research Reports: –Participation and Online Technology –Improving quality through participation: A literature review of the benefits of participation in the context of NHS Scotland’s Healthcare Quality Strategy Case Studies at Evolving Practice: