An introduction MEDIN Workshop The Crown Estate, December 2015 Measure once, use many times
Who are MEDIN? In operation since 2008Open partnership Funded by 15 sponsorsBudget ~£500K Work with academia, government and industry Sponsors
Who are we? Core team based at BODC in Liverpool Metadata support provided by DASSH in Plymouth Lesley Rickards Clare Postlethwaite Hannah Williams Gaynor Evans Sean Gaffney
Some MEDIN links MEDIN reports to the Marine Science Coordination Committee (MSCC) – partnership reporting to UK Government Ministerial level. Sit on UK Marine Monitoring Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS) evidence groups, ensuring data sharing at heart of marine strategy Academic links include NOC, BGS Work with various industry partners and initiatives e.g. Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, HR Wallingford, Marine Industries Liaison Group MEDIN Workshop The Crown Estate, December 2015
Objective: “improve access to, and management of, UK marine data and information” Hub for UK Marine Data Marine Standard & Guidelines Expertise Easier data sharing MEDIN Workshop Crown Estate, December 2015
Hub for UK Marine Data 7 Data Archive Centres British Geological Survey British Oceanographic Data Centre UK Met Office The Archive for Marine Species and habitats Data - DASSH Metadata Data Archaeology Data Service UK Hydrographic Office Marine Scotland, Cefas, DASSH MEDIN Workshop Crown Estate, December 2015
Marine Discovery Metadata Standard
Data Guidelines Field format: Free text, Decimal, Controlled Vocabulary Field Title MCOMCO Description Recommended Controlled Vocabulary or Format Examples surveyName M Title of the survey Free text; 2004 CCW Menai Strait benthic monitoring survey surveyAbstractMBrief description of the purpose of the survey and other types of measurements that were made for the survey. Free text; Survey was the first in a series of 3 in 2010 whose specific aim was to identify sites suitable for further monitoring. Geophysical techniques were used in combination with grabs and cores to assess seabed type. Provide guidance on what metadata needs to be collated to allow data to be re-used – not guidance on how to collect data Drafted by DACs and other expert bodies. Help to speed up data ingestion into DACs and subsequently makes re-use easier MEDIN Workshop Crown Estate, December 2015
MEDIN portal “A single point of access for UK marine data and information” MEDIN 2008 Business Plan Objective The portal is intended to be a metadata discovery service providing users with access to a well-balanced, authoritative marine metadata catalogue MEDIN portal went online in June 2010 Aim is to have all data available under Open Government Licence MEDIN Workshop Crown Estate, June 2015
Is MEDIN working? Coverage? >9,200 datasets accessible through portal (up 50% on 2013/14) MEDIN Workshop Crown Estate, Dec 2015
Dynamic – All DACs archiving new data every year (> 5000 new datasets last year, over 5 times more than in 2013 – 2014). Use Data used? > 57% increase in requests for data from 2013 – Is MEDIN working? Data in? MEDIN Workshop Crown Estate, Dec 2015
There’s data out there, but we can’t always see it MEDIN Workshop Crown Estate, December 2015