Why Introduce a New Way of Working? Clare Woodhead Corporate Modern & Flexible Working Project Manager, ICT Services, Resources
Purpose This presentation reviews drivers for change which may influence a team’s decision to introduce Modern and Flexible Working.
DRIVERS FOR CHANGE Improve Customer Service Reduce Environmental Impact Improve use Of Property Compelling Business Reason Improve Staff Satisfaction Improve Recruitment & Retention Challenge ‘Old Ways’ Examining Drivers for Change
Improve customer service Want to improve time taken to deliver service? Want to deliver more with same amount of resources? Wish to offer new service? Want to be more responsive whilst in the field? Wish to take services to the customer? Would like to extend opening hours?
Reduce environmental impact Want to reduce unnecessary journeys between home and office? Want to reduce unnecessary mileage between customers and office? Wish to reduce paper and printing? Would like to reduce need for travelling to meetings?
Improve use of Property Need to grow team in existing space? Want to give up expensive office space? Want to be more creative in use of existing space? Want to get better ratio of desks v file storage? Want to make better use of under-utilised offices? Want to create shared work stations across county?
Compelling Business Reason New technology is now available? New software is now available? A change in legislation requires a change for compliance? A change in focus e.g. Value For Money review? Need to keep up with competition? A change in organisation has occurred?
Improve staff satisfaction Wish to improve work life balance? Want to improve team empowerment? Wish to explore time flexibility? Wish to explore work location flexibility? Want to develop staff and increase IT skills and confidence? Wish to increase performance and productivity? Potential to reduce absence through increased flexibility?
Improve Recruitment & Retention Make WCC more attractive than other authorities? Encourage vacancies to be filled? Widen pool of potential candidates? Retain staff from increased flexibility?
Challenge “Old Ways” A new manager has arrived? New team members have joined with ideas for change? Case studies from similar areas have given team new ideas for change?
DRIVERS FOR CHANGE Improve Customer Service Reduce Environmental Impact Improve use Of Property Compelling Business Reason Improve Staff Satisfaction Improve Recruitment & Retention Challenge ‘Old Ways’ Can you think of other reasons?