Protists Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista
19.1: The Protist Kingdom A few commonalities Eukaryotes Eukaryotes Moist habitats Moist habitats
The Protist Kingdom Very important Base of aquatic food webs Base of aquatic food webs Economic uses Economic uses Cause diseases Cause diseases
The Protist Kingdom Very diverse Animal-like Animal-like ProtozoansProtozoans Plant-like Plant-like AlgaeAlgae Fungus-like Fungus-like Slime MoldsSlime Molds
19.2: Protozoans Animal-like Unicellular heterotrophs that can move Unicellular heterotrophs that can move
Protozoans Classified by movement Ciliates Ciliates CiliaCilia Ex.) ParameciumEx.) Paramecium Flagellates Flagellates FlagellaFlagella Ex.) EuglenoidsEx.) Euglenoids
Protozoans Classified by movement Sarcodines Sarcodines Fluid extensionsFluid extensions Ex.) AmoebaEx.) Amoeba Apicomplexa Apicomplexa Disease- causing parasitesDisease- causing parasites
19.3: Fungus-Like Protists Decomposers Don’t have chitin
Fungus-Like Protists Classification Slime Molds Slime Molds Brightly coloredBrightly colored Water Molds Water Molds “Fuzzy”“Fuzzy” Can be parasitesCan be parasites
Fungus-Like Protists Classification Downy Mildews Downy Mildews Attack plantsAttack plants Ex.) BlightEx.) Blight
19.4: Algae Plant-like Multicellular, photosynthesizers without organ systems (roots, leaves, etc.) Multicellular, photosynthesizers without organ systems (roots, leaves, etc.)
Algae Classified by pigment Diatoms (golden) Diatoms (golden) Silica shell (Used in toothpaste)Silica shell (Used in toothpaste) PlanktonPlankton Dinoflagellates (red) Dinoflagellates (red) PlanktonPlankton
Algae Classified by pigment Red algae Red algae “Seaweed”“Seaweed” CoastsCoasts Brown algae Brown algae “Kelp”“Kelp” Green algae Green algae Fresh waterFresh water
WARM UP Name the 3 basic kinds of protists. (Hint: _____-like, ______-like, _______-like) List 5 different protists we learned about today.