6 Kingdoms of Life
As living things are constantly being investigated, new attributes are revealed that affect how organisms are placed in a standard classification system.
3 What is Classification? Classification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similaritiesClassification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities Classification is also known as taxonomyClassification is also known as taxonomy Taxonomists are scientists that identify & name organismsTaxonomists are scientists that identify & name organisms copyright cmassengale
4 Benefits of Classifying Accurately & uniformly names organismsAccurately & uniformly names organisms Prevents misnomers such as starfish & jellyfish that aren't really fishPrevents misnomers such as starfish & jellyfish that aren't really fish Uses same language (Latin or some Greek) for all namesUses same language (Latin or some Greek) for all names Sea”horse”? ? copyright cmassengale
5 Confusion in Using Different Languages for Names copyright cmassengale
6 Latin Names are Understood by all Taxonomists copyright cmassengale
years ago, Aristotle was the first taxonomist2000 years ago, Aristotle was the first taxonomist Aristotle divided organisms into plants & animalsAristotle divided organisms into plants & animals He subdivided them by their habitat --- land, sea, or air dwellersHe subdivided them by their habitat --- land, sea, or air dwellers copyright cmassengale
8 Carolus Linnaeus 1707 – 1778 Called the “Father of taxonomy” Classified organisms by their structure Developed naming system still used today copyright cmassengale
Levels of classification Levels of Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Kids Prefer Candy Over Fresh Green Salad
Each KINGDOM is further classified into more specific groups, much like addresses are organized into smaller categories. KingdomCountry PhylumState ClassCounty OrderTown FamilyNeighborhood GenusStreet SpeciesHouse Number
11 Standardized Naming Binomial nomenclature usedBinomial nomenclature used Genus speciesGenus species Latin or GreekLatin or Greek Italicized in printItalicized in print Capitalize genus, but NOT speciesCapitalize genus, but NOT species Underline when writingUnderline when writing Turdus migratorius American Robin copyright cmassengale
12 Binomial Nomenclature Which TWO are more closely related? copyright cmassengale
The grouping of organisms into KINGDOMS is based on 3 factors: –1. Cell Type (prokyotic or eukaryotic) –2. Cell Number (unicellular or multicellular) –3. Feeding Type (autotroph or heterotroph)
1.Cell Type The presence or absence of cellular structures such as the nucleus, mitochondria, or a cell wall Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes – Bacteria! DO NOT HAVE : An organized nucleus Structured organelles
Eukaryotes DO HAVE: Nucleus organized with a membrane other organelles
2. Cell Number Unicellular- single celled organism – protozoans, bacteria, some algae Multicellular- many celled organism – cells start to specialize/differentiate
3. Feeding Type How the organisms get their food –Autotroph or Producer - Make their own food –Heterotroph or Consumer Must eat other organisms to survive Includes decomposers – those that eat dead matter!
There used to be only 5 kingdoms 1.Moneran 2.Protista 3.Fungi 4.Plantae 5.Animalia This kingdom has now been divided into 2 – archaebacteria & eubacteria
6 Kingdoms Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
KingdomCell TypeCell #Feeding Type Archaebacteria ProkaryoteUnicellularAutotroph EubacteriaProkaryoteUnicellularBoth ProtistaEukaryoteMost Unicellular Both FungiEukaryotebothHeterotroph PlantaeEukaryoteMulticellularAutotroph AnimaliaEukaryoteMulticellularHeterotroph Cell Wall Yes Yes & NO Yes NO
1. Archaebacteria Ancient bacteria- –Live in very harsh environments –extremophiles
2. Eubacteria It is the eubacteria that most people are talking about when they say bacteria, because they live in more neutral conditions.
Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes
Bacterial Shapes Bacteria come in 3 main shapes –Rod or Stick (bacilli) –Sphere (cocci) –Helical or spiral (borrelia)
Bacterial Locomotion Some bacteria have flagella or cilia for movement Some secrete a slime layer and ooze over surfaces like slugs
Bacterial Nutrition Some bacteria are autotrophs and can photosynthesize Some bacteria are heterotrophs
3. Protists Protists include many widely ranging microbes, including slime molds, protozoa and primitive algae. Odds & Ends Kingdom
Protista Kingdom There are animal-like, fungus-like, and plant-like protists Some are beneficial Some protists can cause diseases in humans, such as:
DiseaseProtistVector (carrier) SymptomsDetails Amebic dysentery Ameba histolytica waterdiarrheacan get from tap water in some places Giardaisis (beaver fever) Giardiawaterdiarrhea, vomiting don't drink water from streams African Sleeping Sickness Trypanosoma Tse tse flyuncontrolled sleepiness, confusion Only found in isolated areas lives in blood Malaria PlasmodiumAnopheles mosquito fever, chills, death can be treated with quinine lives in blood results in millions deaths per year ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmacatsfetal death or brain damage pregnant women should avoid cat litter
Protists Disease Amebic dysentery Ameba histolytica
Protists Disease Giardiasis (beaver fever) Giardia
Protists Disease African Sleeping Sickness Trypanosoma
Protists Disease Malaria Plasmodium
Protists Disease Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma
Protists Locomotion 3 types of movement: –Pseudopod (false foot) –Flagella/cilia –Contractile vacuoles
Protists Nutrition Protists can be autotrophs or heterotrophs
4. Fungi Kingdom The Kingdom Fungi includes some of the most important organisms. By breaking down dead organic material, they continue the cycle of nutrients through ecosystems.
Fungi All fungi are eukaryotic They may be unicellular or multicellular All fungi have a cell wall Unicellular (yeast) Multicellular
Fungi Fungi can be very helpful and delicious Many antibacterial drugs are derived from fungi Penicillin
Fungi Fungi also causes a number of plant and animal diseases: Athlete's Foot
Fungi Ringworm
Fungi Locomotion Fungi are stationary They have root-like structures that they use for attachment
Fungi Nutrition All fungi are heterotrophs - Saprophytes- get their nutrients from dead organic matter - Mutualists – live symbiotically - Parasites – absorb from a host, eventually killing the host
5. Plant Kingdom All plants are multicellular, their cells have a cell wall They are autotrophs
4 important plant groups are the: Mosses (Bryophytes) Ferns (Pteridophytes) Conifers (Gymnosperms) Flowering Plants (Angiosperms) Non-vascular Vascular
6. Animalia Kingdom All animals are: -Multicellular: cells lacking a cell wall --Heterotrophs -Capable of movement at some point in their lives.
Criteria for Classification: Body Symmetry
Criteria for Classification: Skeletal Characteristics –Invertebrates have a hard external skeleton made of chitin known as an exoskeleton –Vertebrates have a hard internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage
Kingdom Animalia –Phylum –Major phylums of animals are…
1) Porifera: sponges
2) Cnidarians: Jellyfish, corals, and other stingers... Their stinger is called a nematocyst
Another Cnidarian – the Hydra Hydra can reproduce asexually by “budding” A “bud” is a CLONE of its parent
3) Mollusks –Octopi, squid
Mollusks –Clams, oysters
Mollusks –Snails, slugs
4) Platyhelminthes (flat worms) –Tapeworms & Liver Fluke & Planaria Human liver fluke
Flatworms – PLANARIA Hermaphrodites – fertilize their own sex cells internally – zygotes are released into water to hatch –Planaria – capable of regeneration being studied to understand stem cells ability to differentiate.
5) Annelids (segmented worms) –Worms & leeches
6) Echinoderms –Starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers
7) Arthropods –Shell fish, arachnids & BUGS!
8) Chordates –Posses a notochord (hollow corsal nerve cord), pharyngeal slits, and post-anal tail for at least some part of life. Subphylum : Vertebrates (backbone) –Bilateral symmetry –Endoskeletons –Closed circulatory systems –Nervous systems with complex brains –Efficient respiratory systems
Phylum: Chordates
What About Viruses? Viruses do not share many of the characteristics of living organisms. HIV Virus
Viruses Viruses can reproduce only inside a living cell, the host cell.
Viruses The viral reproductive process includes the following steps: 1.A virus must insert its genetic material into the host cell. 2.The viral genetic material takes control of the host cell and uses it to produce viruses. 3.The newly formed viruses are released from the host cell.
Virus Vectors Viruses are transmitted through vectors, such as: Airborne –Influenza –Common cold
Virus Vectors Contaminated food or water –Hepatitis
Virus Vectors Infected animal bite –West Nile –Rabies –Avian influenza (bird flu) –Ebola
Virus Vectors Sexual contact –HIV –Herpes
Virus Vectors Contaminated blood products or needles –HIV –Hepatitis
Virus Treatment –Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics. –There are some anti-viral drugs available. –You generally have to wait for the virus to run its course and let your immune system fight it off.