IBL Progress D. Ferrère for the IBL community LHCC Upgrade Session – June 14 th 2011 Detailed progress was reported at the IBL General meeting, June 8-10 th 2011
Management Board G. Darbo (PL) / H. Pernegger (TC) IBL Activities across the Working Groups WG1: Module F. Huegging / M. Garcia-Sciveres WG2: Stave O. Rohne / E. Vigeolas WG3: Integration/Installation R. Vuillermet / F. Cadoux WG4: Offd-etector T. Flick / S. Débieux Module Task Force Sensor and module design X0 Task Force Survey and correct design if possible 2 All the WG undertake and work for the IBL accelerated schedule for Installation in 2013 PIXEL / IBL “LIAISON” Common Pixel / IBL Membership:" Offline Software: F. Djama" DAQ: P. Morettini" DCS: S. Kersten" IBL Test Beam Coordination
IBL Layout and Beam Pipe 3 IBL Beam pipe ordered! ID 47 mm (was 45mm) More coverage by TAS for IBL/Pixel protection Reduced clearance between beam pipe envelope to stave envelope from 3.5mm to 2.5mm All others unchanged Staves will have to stay inside a 9mm envelope (radius)! IST ID: 85mm
IBL Modules for Loading 4 Features which matter for loading: -Single chip modules (3D) and double chip modules (planar) - Module gap: 100 µm (3D) and 200 µm (planar) - HV integrity: 150V (3D) and 1000V (planar) - Module pitch and flex wing connections are compatible for both types 2 types of modules compatible for the loading and flex connection 2 types of modules compatible for the loading and flex connection Both types are equally fragile to handling, loading and thermal cycling stresses Double chip digital module (dummy sensor) First electrical functional modules available for loading on full length stave 41.3mm 20.1mm Module flex
Latest design submitted for fab Could be cut out in case of envelope issue Flex and wing investigation Optional slits depending if the flex is laminated to the stave or not Features: - 1 flex serves half stave modules (16 FEI4) - Multilayer flex with a mix of Cu/Al studied for integration (8 layers) - The flex will be glued/laminated to the stave back side - The flex design include 16 wings to be folded and glued to the modules Al/Cu prototype under electrical tests Measurements made in Genova Crosstalk seen by the LVDS receiver 527.2mm long 5
Special Jigs have been made for loading accurately the single chip modules. - Metrology of those modules were made before loading allowing to make precisions jigs Loading of the short W-shape stave with bump bonded dummy modules : - Stave with Barcelona modules * completed (AgSn bumps): a mistake was made when placing the middle odd module. Did not check carefully the sensor edge contact. - Stave with Genova modules (In bumps): completed with success. No issue with placement! Metrology survey done on the cutting edge - Confirmation of the loading problem with the Barcelona module stave Electrical results from Genova and Barcelona – before vs after loading Thanks to G. Darbo, A. Rovani and S. Grinstein - In bump modules: OK and even better after loading - AgSn bump modules: 2 modules got open bumps after loading Loading -Dummy Bump Bonded Modules Sensors against alignment refs 100 microns thick shims 20g load added * Thanks to ICTS 6 Extraction of modules from gel pack was difficult NB: IBL modules will be delivered on a frame flex PCB
No Pipe Fittings at PP0 Loading with 1.3m long pipe stave and using temporary fitting is the fastest procedure RequirementsEquipmentPassed or plan Vacuum chamberThanks to S. Mathot (EN-MME-AF)OK EM induction effectsTested in March 11OK Brazing tests with induction headUnder fabrication (S. Mathot, Teddy)Imminent Upgrade of the vacuum chamber for long pipe To be worked out (S. Mathot)tbd Integration of the vacuum chamber on a bench in SR1 To be worked out (S. Mathot + UniGe)tbd 38 kHz signal measured if cable close to induction block Max power V No induction measured When probe cable far from induction block No induction measured Test done with S. Mathot, T. Todorov, S. Débieux, D. Ferrère 7 Important step to be validated Option to load and QA with 7m long stave is also considered
Full Length Stave – Handling Frame Handling frame features: Stave should never be removed from its support frame until it is integrated to the beam pipe Allows to handle and protect the stave between operations, storage and final integration Will have reference holes to precisely hold jigs and extensions bars for 7m long stave Will have to support stave with the same IBL/IST ring fixations even for thermal cycling, metrology, electrical test, wire bonding, … 8 Handling frame End block with support Tuning mechanism to adjust stave height and imperfections In total handling frames will have to be produced! Thanks to Maarten for 3D views
9 Work Preparation for the Loading Activities - Jigs Handling frame inside the cradle Grease mask added 1 st Si-heater or digital module 2 nd added with 200µm gap Half stave loaded Wing handling to free the loading space Wing glue + adhesive hold in an envelope defined by the jig Thanks to Maarten for 3D views
Cooling and Stave Thermal Tests 10 Required limit Results with face plate are better than expected Stave with 3M Adhesive Stave with raw foam Thick Parylene Face plate TFOM of loaded Si-heaters on short staves IBL cooling system layout Loaded stave : -24.4°C Unloaded stave -39°C Test system - measurements Long connection lines with accessible manifolds are feasible USA-15 Junction box – Muon sector 5 (accessible) 14 IBL IBL staves
Support frame Half pipe as a rotating cradle Mechanism for stave “docking” 9m long stand is mandatory from this stage Delicate kinematic Stave integration tool under design 7m long stave to be integrated in a restricted envelope with less 1mm clearance with neighboring staves Stave Loading around the Beam Pipe 11
12 Multipurpose tooling with the Long Guiding Tube (LGT) for Beam pipe, IST, IBL Multipurpose container ID Supporting frame IBL installation tooling developed by LPSC (Grenoble) Rotation table Long Guiding Tube I/F table I&I WG: Insertion/Extraction Tooling This technique is the only one under investigation to remove ATLAS Beam Pipe when needed 12 Fixed Table Beam Pipe
I&I WG: Technical challenges to investigate soon (summer 2011) 2400mm long Dummy IST (used for Stave assembly around the beam pipe) 1 out of 4 tubes… IST: 3 segments of IST assembled in Seattle (K13C fibers) LGT: for Long Guiding Tube… used for BP extraction (active system to keep a straight tube over 7m) To be assembled and Tested on ITF at CERN in Summer (a Dummy Beam pipe in Carbon fibre is needed, same technique as for IST…) 13 Next is to fabricate the dummy beam pipe for practicing the BP extraction
FE-I4 voltage regulators proposed to be set in partial shunt mode to guarantee a minimal current. The goal is to limit transient voltage excursion. First complete prototype of optobox in October ROD fabrication has started: 2 prototypes expected by next month ROD firmware design is ongoing The design of a full DAQ chain simulation environment has started BOC: prototypes expected by September, then testing and redesign until the end of the year RX plugin: investigation underway to use commercial SNAP12 modules Grounding & Shielding concept is now integrated into the whole IBL detector Optobox concept for nSQP and IBL Off-detector 14 BOC block diagram FEI4 powering
IBL Schedule for Installation in 2013 – Brief Summary 15 ActivitiesStartingEnding FEI4-BJuly 11: SubmissionOct to Dec 11 for wafer tests Bump bondingAug 11: pre-productionJuly 12: Completion Module assemblyFeb 12: 1 st modules ready for loading Oct to Dec 12 depending of sensor Module loadingFeb 12: 4 staves to be ready by Apr 12 Jan 13: Completion Stave loadingSep 12: starting with the 1 st available staves Feb – Mar 13: Completion Final tests and commissioning Sep 12Jul 13: IBL Installation All is tight and does not allow early delay in the all program The production has started or is starting for some items The Beam pipe should be ready in July 12 and 2 month later the staves should already be integrated The current work preparation for stave fabrication, flex, module assemblies, loading and tests is requiring a lot of effort across all WGs The mechanics for the integration and beam pipe removal/insertion is under work preparation and should be tested with the mock-up this year in bldg 180