AN EXPLORATION OF HYPNOSIS IN THE AUSTRALIAN CONTEXT JUDITH ANNE MERARI-LYONS (PhD) The thesis comments on hypnosis within the Australian Context Definition Research question Research questionHypothesis Research objectives Research objectives Target population Target population Methodology MethodologyDefinitionsFindings Relevance to Social Work
Definition of Hypnosis 1: Hypnosis is a natural, altered state of consciousness. The state of hypnosis is distinctly different from a person’s normal state of consciousness. 2: Each person is unique and therefore their response to the hypnotic Trance State will also be unique (Erickson, 1985 & Yappko, 1995)
Research Question In a therapeutic context Is Hypnosis well utlized as an intervention tool in Australia?
Hypothesis Hypnosis is well utilized Or Hypnosis is not well utlized
Research Objectives 1:To explore if religion and myth influence the use of hypnosis in Australia 2: To explore what theoretical frameworks guide practice in Australia 3: To understand how hypnosis is utlized in Australia 4: To explore and define any barriers to the use of hypnosis in Australia 5: To understand what the real or perceived differences are between lay and professional practitioners
Target Population 1: Lay population 2: Legal professionals and police 3: Medical professionals, allied health professionals (i.e., psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists) working in drug and alcohol, mental health, nursing professionals working in the above fields as well in general care, private hypnotherapists and psychotherapists.
Defining Hypnosis/Myths and Facts To tease out the myths and facts a questionnaire containing 7 key questions was devised after an extensive analysis of the literature. They are: 1: What myths and legends, if any, are you aware of about hypnosis practice in Australia? 2: In your opinion does religion influence who uses hypnosis in Australia? 3: From your experience what are the prevailing theories influencing hypnosis practice in Australia? 4: In your view what are the main uses of hypnosis? 5:Do you consider hypnosis to be under-utilized in the Australian clinical practice arena? If yes please explain why in your view? 6: What are the barriers, if any, to utlizing hypnosis as a best practice in the Australian context.
Social context of the Study The history of hypnosis Regulation of the industry including counsellors & psychotherapists The Introduction of Medicare rebates for people accessing a mental health plan via their GP to see registered professionals working privately within allied health ie Social Workers and Psychologists/ Occupational Therapists.
Methodology Literature review Impressions & Informal discussions Review of the Australian and State Regulation Research Design & Data Collection: Ethics and interviews Problems encountered Open ended Questionnaires Definition of hypnosis
Findings Overall: The lay population was consistently influenced by religion. The lay population were not interested, or concerned if they have any factual knowledge about hypnosis – blind faith factor. The legal profession and the police ( the most responsive group of participants) highlighted a healthy skepticism, pragmatic approach due to fear of contamination of evidence – but they were the participants most likely to support and engage a hypnotherapist for clients. The theories in general about hypnosis were not well known by any participants All participants had a sound knowledge of what hypnosis can be used for The legal profession were the strongest voice in supporting registered practitioners with tertiary qualifications to work with clients. Where as the lay population did not mind either way. The health professionals across the country showed the most interest in participating but were frequently stopped by management from participating. Practicing psychotherapist & Hypnotehrapists did not participate Erickson is the most well known theorist
Findings The overall findings indicate that the health practitioners who did participate focused on the uses of hypnosis for stop smoking; weight; stress reduction; mental health issues such as phobias and anxiety. All participants thought hypnosis is under utlized in Australia The barriers were noted as lack of empirical evidence/ evidenced based studies, the dominance of the medical model, rules of evidence, qualifications and training All participants had tried or were fascinated by hypnosis at some point in their life. Those who had tried it found it successful and those who were fascinated were planning to attend a session in the future.
Relevance for Social Work Why not? Working with trauma/ prisoners Relaxation techniques- stress reduction techniques which derive from hypnosis Private Practice- Clinical Social Work Brief interventions Further research – i.e. evidence based Hypnosis is one tool in the tool kit of many and requires a sound psychosocial and bio psychosocial assessment Caution - use as a tool in mental health patients if a psychiatrist agrees and is supportive and a thorough assessment has been done, and the practitioner has training in the use of hypnosis