1. Why do we classify them? 2. The 5 kingdoms 3. How we name living things Classification: The act of grouping things by using a set of rules.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Why do we classify them? 2. The 5 kingdoms 3. How we name living things Classification: The act of grouping things by using a set of rules.

When you go to the grocery store, how do you know where to find green apples? Do you look by the milk or on the cereal aisle? We know to look in the produce section of the grocery store because that’s where fruits and vegetables are grouped.

But even so, we wouldn’t look for green apples next to the potatoes. We know to look in the fruit section, but it gets even more specific than that. Apples have their own section, and even there they are divided up by color and type. foodFruitAppleYellowRedGreenEmpire Granny Smith GrapesBananaOrangevegetableDairyMeatBreadFats/sugar

Now, imagine that you are looking for a green apple, but when you walk into the store, there is a huge pile of more the 2 million kinds of food all in one room. You have to sort through the whole pile before you can get your apple. This is the challenge that we (scientists) face. There are more than 2,465,000 living things on planet Earth. Just like we classify apples into smaller groups to make the easier to find, scientists must classify living things into smaller groups in order to find and share information easily.

The 6 Kingdoms Kingdom: the largest group into which living things can be classified Animalia (animal) Plantae (plant) Fungi Protista (protist) Archaebacteria Eubacteria

The Hierarchical System Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Carolus Linnaeus ( ) Invented the field of systematics and binomial nomenclature.

Keys to Binomial Nomenclature Felis domesticus Must be in Latin Must be in italics or underlined Genus (1 st word) must be capitalized Species must be lowercase

Examples of Common Scientific Names Canis familiaris - dog Felis domesticus - cat Canis lupus - wolf Vulpes vulpes - fox Populus deltoides - cottonwood

Classification of a brown bear Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Chordata (backbone or not?) Class: Mammalia (does it have hair?) Order: Carnivora (what does it eat?) Family : Ursidae (bear family) Genus: Ursus (Is its fur just one color?) Species: Ursus arctos (brown bear) Species is the smallest group living things are classified into. The species name is always includes the genus- 2 words. Ex: Homo sapiens.