Cody Elementary Wild About 40 Assets
Recognizing Students Announce birthdays on morning announcements Pep Rallies we announce honor roll at our 4 end of Quarter Pep Rallies Awesome Ability each teacher picks a student for this monthly award
PBS Positive Behavior Support At Cody we use PBS as our school wide behavior program and it is tied to the 40 Developmental Assets. Teachers and Para Professionals catch students following the rules and give them a Buffalo Bill. They take that Buffalo Bill and put it into the classroom barrel. On Thursday Mr. Dominy pulls a name from each classroom container and they get to sit at the “Special Table on Friday
Reading Buddies Classrooms pair up and do weekly Reading Buddies activity 5 th is paired with K 4 th is paired with 2 3 rd is paired with 1
PTA PTA has 4 I-Moms Breakfast and 4 Pro Dad Breakfast each year where they come with their children at 7:30 and have breakfast. This program is ran by Tony Dungi and his wife and it really matches well with the 40 Developmental Assets.
At Home Reading Program Children get monthly Reading Logs and fill them out with the books that they read at home and return them to school and get a prize. The classroom teachers understand that some homes are not conducive to reading so they allow some of the students to count their DEAR Time reading. At the end of the year EVERY student that brought all of their Reading Log back earns a PIZZA PARTY with Mr. Dominy and and Ice Cream party with Mr. Stednitz.
Cody Night at the Library Cody Night at the Library is a partnership with Millard Branch of the public library, which is only 4 blocks from Cody. We meet there the first Monday or Tuesday of every month at 6:30 to 7:30. We always have a 40 Assets theme and parents find out about the 4o Developmental Assets.
WWT Wild West Time This is a multi age group (Pre K through 5 th ) that is facilitated by a teacher or Para in the building. As the 5 th graders leave they are replaced by the new Pre-K and K students The lesson plans and all the materials are provided by the asset team. We always have an asset tied to the activity.
Mentor Group The Mentor Group is ran by Julie Sparks and it is a partnership with Millard North HS. Seniors are paired with 5 th graders Juniors are paired with 4 th graders and Sophomores' are paired with 3 rd graders. The Mentors keep the same mentee, but there is a procedure if one of them moves. The Mentors have to meet certain requirements and the mentees are recommended by classroom teachers, councilor and principal.
CAB Club Cody Asset Builders Club 4 th and 5 th grade students are recommended by teachers and the asset team sends a letter home explaining the expectations of what a CAB Club member is and also what they will be doing for the 2 years that they are ion this club. CAB Club is responsible for Spirit Day Fridays are Spirit Days and students are encouraged to wear Cody colors or a Cody shirt. The class with the highest percentage of student is the winner and Buddy The Spirit Bear spends the week in their classroom. Nominating a Teacher of the Quarter Award Red Ribbon Week Activities Ideas for WWT