Scream like there is a zombie next to you for 5 seconds
Stand on your chair and howl at the moon for 7 seconds.
Pretend like you are a fish taking the bait and getting caught for 7 seconds
Show us your best break dancing move
With the pipe sword, do some Jedi light- saber battle moves, including sounds for 7 seconds
For 7 seconds, flex like your are a body- builder in a competition
Sing “Jingle Bells” in a low voice while doing the Chicken Dance
Recite 2 Nephi 2:25 in a high-pitched voice
Carry on a conversation with the piano for 7 seconds and then ask it out on a group date
Sing the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” in the animal sound of teacher’s choice
Try your best to put your fist in your mouth
Lie on the floor and sizzle like bacon for 5 seconds
Put on teacher’s jacket and do an impression of him/her
Do a robot dance for 7 seconds
Lead a cheer for someone else in your team while spelling out their name with your body
Teach the wall about tithing for 7 seconds
Play “air guitar” to your favorite song while making electric guitar sounds for 7 seconds
For 10 seconds, do an interpretive dance entitled, “Surprised by the Lamanites”
Pretend like you are a famous model modeling your shoes for 7 seconds
Pretend like a member of your team is a baby. Talk baby talk to him or her for 7 seconds