Static balance control ◦ Maintaining sitting. ◦ Half-kneeling, ◦ Tall kneeling, ◦ Standing postures on a firm surface, ◦ Tandem, Single-leg stance. ◦ Working on soft surfaces (e.g., foam, sand, grass), ◦ Narrowing the BOS, moving the arms, or closing the eyes.
Dynamic Balance Exercises Using Movable Surfaces: 1. Swiss Ball 1. Tilt Boards
Hard surfaces. Maintain static balance. Move some part (s) of body and try to maintain his balance. Open then closed eyes. External challenge from therapist. Throw and catch exercises with ball. Soft surfaces. Maintain static balance. Move some part (s) of body and try to maintain his balance. Open then closed eyes. External challenge from therapist. Throw and catch exercises with ball.