FEMA DR - PA DECLARED: March 23, 2016 INCIDENT PERIOD: January 22-23, 2016 FOR: Severe Winter Storm and Snowstorm Jonas JANUARY 2016 SNOWSTORM
Adams, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Fayette, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Perry, Philadelphia, Schuylkill, Somerset, Westmoreland and York 23 DECLARED COUNTIES
Provides Federal Grant Funding (75% of eligible amount) To Eligible Applicants For Eligible Facilities For Eligible Costs For Emergency Snow Removal Other Emergency Work Permanent Work PUBLIC ASSISTANCE
The Process Eligibility Request for Public Assistance Documentation Cost Administrative APPLICANT BRIEFING OBJECTIVES
THE PROCESS NEXT STEPS FEMA / PEMA Kick Off Meeting Provide Required Costs Documentation Applicants Submit Grant Admin Documents FEMA Prepares Project Worksheets Project Approval and Obligation Receive Reimbursement Funding Close Projects (DAP-12 Process) Close Applicants
State Government Agencies County and Local Governments Municipal Authorities School Districts Certain Private Non Profit Organizations ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS
ELIGIBLE PNP APPLICANTS Critical Services Private Non-Profit (PNP) facilities that provide the following critical services are eligible for Public Assistance: Fire / Emergency Rescue Power, Water, & Sewer Utilities Medical Treatment Communications Systems “Non-critical” PNP Applicants must apply to SBA for permanent work (Categories C to G)
ELIGIBLE PNP APPLICANTS Essential Services Private Non-Profit (PNP) facilities that provide the following essential services Are eligible for snow plowing and removal. However, the PNP must first apply to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for a disaster loan for permanent repair work before applying to FEMA. ▪ Museums▪ Community centers ▪ Educational institutions ▪ Libraries▪ Homeless Shelters ▪ Rehabilitation facilities ▪ Zoos▪ Shelter workshops ▪ Senior citizen/Day-care centers ▪ Other facilities that provide health and safety service of a governmental nature
All must have IRS 501(c, d or e)(3) or State Certification and be open to the general public, A charter/By-Laws PNP recreational facilities are not eligible ELIGIBLE PRIVATE NON-PROFIT
TURNING IN TODAY If not already submitted Applicant Name and Today’s Date County Actual Location of Office Mailing Address Primary and Alternate Contacts Name, Title, Phone number Cell Phone, Fax, Don’t worry about DUN’s – In DAP-1 DUE TO PEMA – BY APRIL 22, 2016 REQUEST FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE
A Facility that the Applicant is Responsible for the Snow Removal Public roads Sidewalks Parking Lots Buildings Must All Be Within a Designated County ELIGIBLE SNOW FACILITY
Required as a result of the declared disaster (snowstorm) Legal responsibility of applicant Plowing and snow removal in the eligible 48 hour time period chosen by applicant Located within a declared County if claimed as mutual aid ELIGIBLE SNOW WORK
Snow Assistance 48 Hour Period (Start Time & Date) 10PM 1/22/16 to 10PM 1/24/16 12AM 1/23/16 to 12AM 1/25/16 Snow Plowing and Removal De-icing/Salting Anti-skid ELIGIBLE SNOW WORK
Labor & Fringe Benefits: For plowing and snow removal Permanent Scheduled Employees – “Overtime” Only Permanent Employees – Extra time or Reassignment Temporary Employees - All time OT Fringe Benefits usually only: Social Security - Medicare -Workman’s Comp – Pension Minimum 7.65% ELIGIBLE COSTS - FORCE ACCOUNT
OVERTIME Premium pay not required in order to be classified as “overtime” Compensatory Time Beyond regularly scheduled hours “Stand by time” for applicable paid Fire and Police not doing routine calls “Beginning of Work Week” ELIGIBLE COSTS - FORCE ACCOUNT
EQUIPMENT Applicant Owned Equipment at FEMA 2015 rates cover Gas & Maintenance Rental(s) during the 48 hour period – for snow plowing and removal Match usage to operator (no equipment stand-by time) ELIGIBLE COSTS - FORCE ACCOUNT
MATERIALS Amount used during the 48Hr. Period Type of materials used during the 48Hr. period. Cost of the materials used and invoices Costars Contract
Local Emergency Declaration or “normal” contracting procedures Contractors cost for plowing and snow removal must be in same 48 hour period Invoice(s) with dates for work from contractor ELIGIBLE COSTS - CONTRACTS
DAP-5 Force Account Labor/Equipment/Materials Costs DAP-6 Contract Costs DAP-8 Summary of Costs COST DOCUMENTATION
Supporting documentation for costs Provide Copies (NOT originals) of: Time cards / payroll record Union Contract / Pay Rate Resolution SOP supporting “shotgun” rider etc. Equipment log (if available) Material use record & cost (invoices) Bid Specifications Contracts Insurance Policy COST DOCUMENTATION
Cost documents submitted during the PDA were reviewed by FEMA If you participated in the PDA you were given a copy of the FEMA PDA Review Worksheet Bring any missing or additional documentation to the Kickoff Meeting PDA Review Worksheet
Required Administrative Forms No Funding until Completed and Received by PEMA RPA = Request for Public Assistance On line or turn in today DAP-1 = “Agreement for Financial Assistance” Legal Contract between the Applicant & PEMA Pages 1, 6 and Attach G need your information Signed by the Applicant’s Agent and witnessed ORIGINAL, INKED signed document is required by PEMA Save postage, send only pages 1, 6 & Attach G to PEMA or bring it to the Kickoff Meeting You will receive a properly executed, full copy back DAP-2 = Appoints the Applicant’s Agent, Spokesperson Many will need a “Resolution by Governing Body”Some can use their President or Director
PEPP = Pennsylvania Electronic Payment Program Enrollment Form (Electronic Funds Transfer) SAP Vendor Number er/GranteeRegistration.aspx DAP-1 Attachment G - Duns and Bradstreet (DUNS) Number Federal Requirement and click the “D&B D-U-N-S Number” link. Get these documents to PEMA All of these are on our web site with examples Required Administrative Forms No Funding until Completed and Received by PEMA
FEMA Form Is Required By FEMA Insurance Environmental (NEPA) Historic Floodplain Wetlands, Endangered Species Hazardous Materials SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS
Debris Removal Eliminates immediate threats to lives, public health, and safety; Monitored Must Have Known Quantities Known Locations: Where it came from, Where it was taken Permits Consult Debris Fact Sheet OTHER ELIGIBLE WORK
Other Emergency Protective Measures: Save Lives Protect Public Health & Safety Access for Emergency Vehicles Emergency Repairs Emergency Operations Center Costs Other OTHER ELIGIBLE WORK
PERMANENT WORK - Restores disaster damaged facility to pre-disaster design/capacity/function Roads & Bridges, etc. Equipment – If damaged by hidden object…maybe Water Control Facilities & Water/Sewer Buildings, Vehicles & Parks 18 months to Complete: (9/23/2017)
Any insurance payments must be deducted from eligible costs Roof Damage Equipment Damaged Provide copy of entire policy and Statement of Loss INSURANCE
Your grants Project Worksheet will be sent to you for your review and approval signature. Sign and return for payment The PEMA DAP-12 – Grant Completion Report will be sent to you for your review and approval signature. Sign and return to close grant PROJECT REVIEW
Once the DAP-1, DAP-2 and PEPP are signed and returned to PEMA, your PW will go through final approval and funding PEMA will transfer your funds after your funding is received from FEMA PAYMENT
You may appeal any decision by FEMA You have 60 days from the “determination” to notify PEMA in writing of your appeal You must document and make your case All Appeals – Go through PEMA APPEALS
RIGHT TO KNOW All information and documents that are submitted to PEMA/FEMA are subject to the Right To Know Law and Freedom of Information Act Be careful in providing personal information: Home or unlisted phone and fax numbers Personal cell phone numbers Home addresses addresses Any other personal information
PEMA - Public Assistance Office 2605 Interstate Dr Harrisburg PA Website: to: FEMA Website: CONTACT INFORMATION
Blair, Juniata & Perry Adams, Franklin, Fulton & York – Bedford, Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster & Lebanon, Schuylkill, Bucks, Chester, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, & Philadelphia Public Assistance Project Officers
Fayette, Somerset & Westmoreland – Ken Mostyn Joe Rupe Russ Kratzer– Greg Showers Rick Weiberg Jeremiah Bunch– Mike Stalnecker Public Assistance Project Officers