The Second New Deal FDR’s efforts continue…
Learning Objectives Describe the purpose of the Second New Deal Summarize Second New Deal programs for farmers Identify the Second New Deal programs aimed at assisting young people and professionals Summarize labor and economic reforms carried out under the Second New Deal
The Hundred Days Period at the start of FDR’s presidency in which he pushed numerous programs through Congress 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation approved by Congress Expanded government’s role in the economy – Opposite of Hoover who believed in limited role of government Purpose to put people back to work!
Some of the programs proposed by Roosevelt and passed by Congress during the 100 Days…
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Put young men 18 – 25 building roads, parks, etc
National Recovery Act (NRA) Established code of fair practice To stop trend of wage cuts, fall prices, and layoffs
National Recovery Association (NRA) – Established code of fair practice – To stop trend of wage cuts, fall prices, and layoffs Federal Housing Administration (FHA) – Furnish loans for houses Federal Emergency Relief Association (FERA) – Provided direct relief for the needy Also…
Results of “First” New Deal Programs started during first 100 Days were helping, but gains not as great as he expected – Unemployment remained high – Production still less than 1920s The New Deal still was popular, so had public support Helped by Eleanor Roosevelt – who travelled the country in support So initiated…
The Second New Deal …the Second Hundred Days – Additional programs developed – Farmers – Relief – Labor – Social Security – Utilities
Help for Farmers
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allottment Act Paid farmers for cutting production of soil- depleting crops Awarded farmers for good soil conservation methods Provided small loans for sharecroppers to buy land
Additional Relief
Works Progress Administration (WPA) Helped youth, professionals, and other workers Spent $11 billion to put 8 million people to work Created 850 airports, 651,000 miles of roads and streets, 125,000 public buildings, and women made 300 million garments for the needy
“It was really great. You worked, you got a paycheck and you had some dignity.”
Wagner Act in 1935 – Established collective bargaining – Prohibited unfair firings of union members or organizing unions Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 Maximum working hours to 44 hours per week Set minimum wage (25 cents per hour) Limited workers under 16
Social Security Act
Social Security Passed in 1935 Aid to those over 65 Half came from workers and half from employees Some other benefits
Expanded electricity throughout country In 1935, only 12.6 percent of farms had electricity By 1949 was 90 percent Also regulated electrical utilities Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
New Deal impacted all of America… Will discuss lasting results… Culture of 1930s… …in next class!