Ocean Exploration Past & Present
Ancient History
Prehistory & The Rise of _________ ______ primary reasons for early _______ to interact with the ocean: ▫To obtain ________ ▫To _________ new land ▫As a means of ________ The earliest record sea voyage appears to be __________under the command of Egyptian Pharoh ___________
Phoenicians & ___________ The Phoenicians established the first trade routes throughout the _________ to as far north as Great ________ ▫Known for their __________ techniques and open ocean travel The __________ contributed with the earliest known regular, long distance, open-ocean sailing beyond sight of land ▫Sailed ________ boats
Ancient ________ Explorations & Discoveries The Greeks used references on shore to _______. This is called ________. ▫Developed navigation using _________ ▫The Greeks knew the _______ was a sphere, not flat. _________ (314 B.C.) noted that he could predict tides in the Atlantic based on _______ of the moon. ▫Could determine how far North or South he was by measuring the ______ between the horizon and the ________ star. _________ ( B.C.) is credited with two contributions: ▫1. Calculated the Earth’s ___________. ▫2. Invented the first latitude/longitude system.
The Greeks Excelled at Mapmaking In 450 B.C., ________ published a detailed history of Greece’s struggles with the _________ Empire. This work was significant because it was one of the ______ published maps of the world the Greeks knew. In 63 B.C.-24 A.D., ______ published a 17- book work called ________ that contained a map expanding knowledge/accuracy about the ______. In A.D., ________ developed the first known _____ to show a portion of the Earth as a sphere on ________ paper. ▫It showed latitude/longitude by _______ the grid into degrees, _________, and seconds of the arc.
Latitude & ________ System The purpose of the _______ and longitude mapping system is to identify specific locations on the Earth’s ________. ▫Latitude __________ Also called _________ and run east-west 0º parallel is also called the ________ ▫Longitude Lines Also called _________ and run north-south Prime Meridian is located on the longitude of the Royal Naval Observatory in _________, England. ▫Further Accuracy Degrees are subdivided into ____ minutes, minutes are subdivided into 60 seconds.
The European Middle Ages Also known as the _______ Ages ▫Societal breakdown with the fall of ______ Led to loss of communication, lack of _______, and loss of ancient knowledge ▫Little ocean exploration by _________ was made, only trade continued. ________ Exploration and Discoveries ▫The Vikings were the only people with significant exploration taking place in Europe during the _________ and they significantly improved their ship designs: They were aided by global ________ that freed the North Atlantic of ice allowing the Vikings to explore westward discovering _____, Greenland, and North America. Due to this they expanded their trade _______
__________ Explorations & Discoveries The Chinese were very active explorers during the ______ Ages and were responsible for many important contributions. ▫Probably the most important of their discoveries was the _________ compass dating about 1000 A.D. which later spread to Europe By the mid 1400s in _______ shipbuilding was well established. ▫The Chinese had improved ship designs that included ________ rudders and watertight compartments ▫This also led to the _________ of trade routes
European Voyages of Discovery Initiated by the period of : the _________. ▫Resulted in the rediscovery of ancient knowledge, a new interest in science and exploration, and improved _______ Put a large focus on ________, politics and religion. Three explorers tried to establish a route to the East around _______: ▫The first of these was Prince Henry the Navigator of ________ in the early 1400s. He went down the west coast of Africa, but did not find a route around the Cape of Good ______. ▫The second was Bartholomeu ________ who completed a voyage around the Cape of Good Hope in 1487, but did not make it all the way to _____. ▫The third was _______ da Gamma. In 1497 he led the first expedition around the Cape of Good Hope all the way to India.
Exploration of the New World Christopher _________ took a westward voyage to find a route to Asia in __________. He believed he’d found Asia when he landed on a Caribbean island. ▫He discovered the ___________ Between , Amerigo _________ voyaged to South America. He is credited as the first European to recognize that South America was a new _________. The Americas are named in honor of Vespucci. In the early 1500s, Vasco _______ de Balboa led an expedition that crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the ________ Ocean. Balboa was the first European to sail in the Pacific. ▫News that the Pacific lay beyond the Americas ________ the hope that one could sail around the world west-to-east.
Exploration of the New World In 1519, _________ explorer Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to circumnavigate the world. He had _____ ships and about 260 men. ▫ Magellan died in the _________ in a fight with islanders. ▫ One ship and 18 men completed the journey in _____. The second successful ____________ of the world was made in 1577 by Francis _______. ▫He left England for the New World with the purpose of raiding ________ ships and settlements for treasure. ▫Drake returned to England in _______ where he was knighted for his exploits as well as for bringing back treasure and spices worth a fortune. He proved exploration was ________ for the first time.
Recent History
Birth of Marine Science 1735: James ______ ▫Explored ___________ ▫Discovered and Charted many Pacific ___________ ▫Collected a lot of scientific data ___________: allowed accurate determination of longitude in open sea : marine science was advanced by Matthew _________ (father of physical oceanography). ▫Worked for the U.S. ______ ▫Published __________ and research ▫Standardized Oceanographic Data Recording Methods ▫__________ Physical Geography of the Sea (first text of oceanography)
The United States Exploring Expedition Under command of Lt. Charles ______, it was one of the first ________ scientific expeditions launched by the US. The most outstanding achievement of the US _______ Expedition was proving the existence of ___________. Produced volumes of ______, text, and illustrations
Darwin & the H.M.S. Beagle The _______ began it’s five-year voyage with Charles Darwin as the ship’s naturalist in The H.M.S. Beagle ultimately circled the _________. Darwin joined the _________ to gather evidence for his theory about coral reef formation. ▫________ observed the massive reefs must form when the sea floor slowly sinks and ________ grows upward from its base to remain in shallow water. Darwin founded __________ on natural selection and the evolution of species. ▫Revolutionized the study of ______ In 1859, he published The ________ of Species.
The Challenger Expeditions The _________ I expedition – ▫Produced 50 volumes of data on ___________ ▫Took the first soundings deeper than 4,000 meters ▫Collected over _________ new species ▫Discovered the __________ trench and Mid-Atlantic Ridge
The Oceanography _______! The Industrial __________ spearheaded the growth and expansion of marine sciences. This included: ▫Advances in ships and __________ ▫__________ Power for Submersibles ▫Economic ___________
Expeditions The Challenger II ___________ – 1951 ▫Measured the depths of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. ▫Used ___________ technology for mapping. ▫Most noted discovery was measuring the deepest known part of the ocean (10,838 meters) ▫Named the Challenger ________ The ___________ Meteor Expedition (1925) ▫Primary accomplishment: first ________ ocean floor map (Atlantic Ocean) ▫Data collected established patterns for ocean water circulation, and ________ growth. The United States _________ Expedition – 1931 ▫The first ship specifically designed and built for ocean studies. ▫Atlantis added to the work of the _______ as well as confirmed the ___________ of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and mapped it.
How Sonar Works...
__________ and Self-Contained Diving How the oceans were studied was changed forever by the __________ and self-contained diving. ▫Instead of grabbing samples blindly, a scientist could pick specific ones. ▫Scientists could take samples without damaging them and living __________ without killing them. Submersibles are craft designed to function ____________: ▫Bathysphere (diving bell; no longer used) ▫________ (reached the deepest spot in the ocean) ▫Submarine Modern deep-diving __________ allow direct observation by scientists
Types of Submersibles
Self Contained Diving Allows individual people to _____ for extended times First SCUBA was invented by Jacques Cousteau in 1943 Called _______: ▫S – Self ▫C – Contained ▫U – Underwater ▫B – Breathing ▫A – Apparatus Led to understanding ___________ problems which led to learning saturation diving and underwater _________
Subs vs. Scuba
Modern __________ Navigation ___________ such as electronics and space travel have provided four important contributions to ___________: ▫1. _______ Operated Vehicles (ROVs) - a small, unmanned submarine with propellers, video camera, and an umbilical to the surface. ▫2. Autonomous _________ Vehicles (AUVs) - robotic devices propelled through the water by self- contained power systems. Piloted by an __________ computer ▫3. _________ (LOng RAnge Navigation) used land based radio transmitters along the coasts. The farther from a transmitter the less _________ is the position.
How GPS works...