The Holy Spirit - 1 The Godhead: Part 6
Who Is The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is not: The Holy Spirit is not: –Just a Divine influence –A cosmic fog that permeates all things –Just presence or personal spirit of God As part of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit is a person and has all of the characteristics of Godhood (Col. 2:9). As part of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit is a person and has all of the characteristics of Godhood (Col. 2:9).
The Godhead God the Father Originator Conductor John 12:49 God the Son Operator Acting Agent John 6:38 God the Holy Spirit Revelator John 16:13
The Holy Spirit Is A Person He has intellectual qualities He has intellectual qualities –Makes choices (Acts 16:7) –He knows (1 Cor. 2:10-11). –He wills (1 Cor. 12:11). –He thinks (Acts 15:28). –He speaks (1 Tim. 4:1). –And so on—He has all of the qualities of an individual person.
Our Need to Know The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is often spoken of, but rarely understood. Why? The Holy Spirit is often spoken of, but rarely understood. Why? –Lack of Scriptural knowledge. –Lack of teaching. –But certainly not a lack of revelation. He is part of the Godhead. Therefore, in order to truly know our God, we must come to know the Holy Spirit! He is part of the Godhead. Therefore, in order to truly know our God, we must come to know the Holy Spirit!
Our Need to Know The Holy Spirit We know God exists through creation (Rom. 1:20). We know God exists through creation (Rom. 1:20). But how do we come to know who God is? But how do we come to know who God is? What about Spiritual truths: heaven, hell, angels, etc. What about Christ, salvation, righteousness? What about Spiritual truths: heaven, hell, angels, etc. What about Christ, salvation, righteousness? We know because the Holy Spirit Teaches us! 2 Pet. 1:20-21; 1 Cor. 2:9-10; John 16:13
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit His Work in Creation His Work in Creation –Gen. 1:2: He was present. –Ps. 104:30: He was involved in the creative process. –What was His role? Not much given. Not much given. God create: Father willed, Christ creative agent, Holy Spirit… God create: Father willed, Christ creative agent, Holy Spirit…
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Gen. 1:2 Gen. 1:2 –Before He moved over the face of the deep “The earth was without form and void.” –After (or while He moved) the earth was being organized—a six-day process. Therefore: Therefore: –Father willed, directed –Christ created –Holy Spirit organized
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Same Pattern is true with the establishment of the church. Same Pattern is true with the establishment of the church. –Before the Holy Spirit was pored out, there was no church organization. –After (or while He was revealing all truth) the church was being organized. Therefore: Therefore: –Father willed, directed –Christ established –Holy Spirit organized