Mr. Gilmore Cordova High School Sociology
85% of Americans identify with a religion 52% Protestant 24% Catholic 2% Jewish 90% say they received some religious training New England and Southwest – Catholic South - Baptist Plains States - Lutheran Utah - Mormon
Is the importance of religious in a persons life 86% of adults believe in a divine power 60% claim they know God exists 56% pray at least once a day 30% attend services weekly
Older people more religious than younger Women more religious then men 1. Social Class High class standings “who is who in America” 33% were protestant 12% Jews Catholics & Methodists ranked Moderate social standings Baptists & Lutherans ranked most in lower income
2. Ethnicity Religion usually stands out in nation or geographical area Islam Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia Hinduism India Confucianism China Anglican England Jewish Israel Every Ethnic group displays some religious diversity
Secularization – the historical decline in the importance of the supernatural and the sacred Technology and science push this Birth, Illness, and Death seen more in science than faith Conservatives see any weakness in religion as moral decline Progressive views see a liberation from beliefs of the past, allowing choices
1963 U.S. Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools, violated separation of Church and State Seen as the Rise of Secularization Over past years religion has returned to public schools
A. Civil Religion Quasi religious loyalty binding individuals in a basically secular society Formal religion loses power, citizenship takes on religious qualities U.S. way of life considered moral good in world Liberal and Conservative example Singing the National Anthem at games Flying the Nation’s flag on holidays
B. Post denomination People seeking spiritual development outside the established churches More people becoming spiritual seekers away from formal denominations Has 5 core choices Believe in higher power We are all connected Spirit world along with natural world Want to experience the spiritual world Pursue Transcendence (yoga, meditation)
A conservative religious doctrine that opposes intellectualism and worldly accommodation in favor of restoring traditional, otherworldly religion Protestants mainly fall into this group Southern Baptist largest fundamental group Catholics and Jewish groups forming
Has five distinctive ways Takes the words of sacred tests literally Rejects religious pluralism (tolerance) Pursue the personal experience of God’s presence Oppose secular Humanism ( science and medicine) Endorse conservative political views Opponents regard fundamentalists as rigid and self righteous
Many fundamentalists have turned to this “Prime time Preachers” 700 Club Found only in the USA Billy Graham and Robert Schuller most famous Infamous: Jimmy Swaggert, Jerry Farwell, Oral Robert, Tim and Tammy Faye Baker