What Makes You Who You Are?
Why are you different to an animal or a robot?
Learning Objective To understand where our identities come from. Learning Objective To understand where our identities come from. Success Criteria By the end of this lesson you will be able to: * define the word ‘identity’. * describe what qualities make you who you are and make you human. * explain the views of theists, agnostics and atheists. * give your opinion on which factors have had the most influence on your identity. Success Criteria By the end of this lesson you will be able to: * define the word ‘identity’. * describe what qualities make you who you are and make you human. * explain the views of theists, agnostics and atheists. * give your opinion on which factors have had the most influence on your identity.
what does the word ‘identity’ actually mean? who a person is. what makes them who they are. IDENTITY: Who Am I? IDENTITY: Who Am I?
Put the title What Makes me who I am? And draw a picture of yourself in the middle of the page. Write around it anything that makes you who you are and makes you human. Put the title What Makes me who I am? And draw a picture of yourself in the middle of the page. Write around it anything that makes you who you are and makes you human. So, what qualities did you put around your picture? are there any that everyone has put down? are there any differences unique to you? So, what qualities did you put around your picture? are there any that everyone has put down? are there any differences unique to you?
To be able to reflect on the past, present & future. The ability to feel emotions. Can talk by using a language. A preference for living. A desire to love & be loved. An inner-self or soul. Uses logic & reason to work things out. Understand right and wrong. Capable of making laws. Intelligence. An ability to grieve. An awareness of our own existence. Parents & family. School. Society’s laws. Celebrities. Friends.
Watch this clip from I-Robot. Think about the qualities that make you who you are and make you human. How many does the robot have and what does it not have? Watch this clip from I-Robot. Think about the qualities that make you who you are and make you human. How many does the robot have and what does it not have?
To be able to reflect on the past, present & future. The ability to feel emotions. Can talk by using a language. A preference for living. A desire to love & be loved. An inner-self or soul. Uses logic & reason to work things out. Understand right and wrong. Capable of making laws. Intelligence. An ability to grieve. An awareness of our own existence. Parents & family. School. Society’s laws. Celebrities. Friends. Which of these factors do you think has had the most influence on who you are? Answer this question: Which factors have had the most influence on making you who you are today? Explain why they have been so influential? So, is it nature or nurture? Your DNA or how you’re brought up? The factors that I think have had the most influence on who I am (my identity) are…. This is because…. The factors that I think have had the most influence on who I am (my identity) are…. This is because….
You are now going to be given a sheet which will help us to work out what other factor may have added to your identity. IDENTITY: Who Am I? Compare your results with the person sitting next to you. Complete the following two sentences: a) A statement that we both had the same box ticked was number ___. This was because… b) A statement that we did not agree with was number ___. This was because… Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Not sure Slightly Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. Some people can hear, or feel, or experience God. 2. The universe exists because of a higher power or a God. 3. Humans are so complex and wonderful; we can’t just be an accident. This could show that there is a God. 4. Some unexplained events, such as miracles, may be caused by a spiritual or divine power. 5. Human love, music, art and goodness point to some type of God existing. 6. Prayers are often answered. This is evidence for God. 7. I will meet God after I die. 8. Life has some sort of meaning or purpose. We’re not just random. What Do I Believe? What did you find out?
Theist as I believe God exists. aTheist as I don’t believe God exists. agnostic as I don’t know if God exists. What did you say about how your beliefs have affected your identity? I am a/an… Why? What has influenced you? Theists Believe God exists. agnostics Don’t know if God exists. aTheists Don’t believe God exists. how much can you remember from last lesson?
what would these groups of people think about your identity – what makes you you? Theists Believe God exists. agnostics Don’t know if God exists. Atheists Don’t believe God exists. Copy down all three, but make sure you leave room to write/draw around the bubbles.
Theists Believe God exists. agnostics Don’t know if God exists. Atheists Don’t believe God exists. God created us. God gave us a soul which animals don’t have. After death there is an afterlife where the soul lives on forever. Human life is sacred (very special). We have a God-given conscience. We don’t have a soul. When we die that’s it so we should live life to the full. Killing a human is no different to killing an animal. Every human has a God-shaped hole. We evolved (gradually changed over time) from other creatures. 99% of our genes are the same as apes – a lot of who we are is chance & accident. Emotions are just chemical reactions. Believe some of the theist views & some of the atheist views. Who’s right? Our emotions reflect God’s as we’re made in His image.
Any Differences ?! Is this how it could have been?!
“Humans are the same as animals.” 1. Do you agree? 2. Why may someone disagree with you? 1. Do you agree? 2. Why may someone disagree with you? * Copy the quote above as a title and then the questions. * Look at your levels snapshot sheet to see how you can achieve a high level. * Use some of the points around your bubbles to explain your view (question 1) and then a different view to yours (question 2). * Stick in your levels snapshot sheet.
Level345 Written Communication Some sentences don’t make sense. Frequent spelling errors. Most sentences make sense. Some spelling errors. Sentences make sense. Few spelling errors. Attainment Target 1: Learning About Religion YOU: use some religious vocabulary to describe some key features of identity. begin to describe how religion affects a believers’ identity. YOU: use some religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of identity. describe some different beliefs about identity. YOU: use religious vocabulary throughout to explain the impact of beliefs. know why some people believe what they do about identity, by suggesting possible reasons. explain what theists, atheists and/or agnostics believe about identity. Attainment Target 2: Learning From Religion YOU: describe what has made you who you are – your identity. make links between your identity and what your beliefs are. YOU: raise and suggest answers to questions about identity. describe what influences your views on identity. YOU: pose and suggest answers to questions on identity, linking them to their own and others’ lives. explain your own, and others’ views, on identity.
Level456 Written Communication Most sentences make sense. Some spelling errors. Sentences make sense. Few spelling errors. Sentences are fluent. Occasional spelling errors. Attainment Target 1: Learning About Religion YOU: use some religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of identity. describe some different beliefs about identity. YOU: use religious vocabulary throughout to explain the impact of beliefs. know why some people believe what they do about identity, by suggesting possible reasons. explain what theists, atheists and/or agnostics believe about identity. YOU: use religious and philosophical vocabulary. explain why people’s views on identity vary. interpret how theists, agnostics and/or atheists’ arguments explain different answers to the questions about identity. interpret the importance of these different views on identity. Attainment Target 2: Learning From Religion YOU: raise and suggest answers to questions about identity. describe what influences your views on identity. YOU: pose and suggest answers to questions on identity, linking them to their own and others’ lives. explain your own, and others’ views, on identity. YOU: use reasoning and examples to explain insights into the beliefs on identity. explain insight into your own and others’ views on identity. consider the challenges of believing in theist views on identity in the modern world.
“Humans are the same as animals.” 1. Do you agree? 2. Why may someone disagree with you? 1. Do you agree? 2. Why may someone disagree with you? Swap answers with the person next to you. Mark their answers to 1. and 2 by using the below symbols, and your levels sheet to help you, then give the answers an overall level and justify it. = spelling error. = sentence doesn’t make sense. = new paragraph. = good point. //
Learning Objective To understand where our identities come from. Learning Objective To understand where our identities come from. Success Criteria By the end of this lesson you will be able to: * define the word ‘identity’. * describe what qualities make you who you are and make you human. * explain the views of theists, agnostics and atheists. * give your opinion on which factors have had the most influence on your identity. Success Criteria By the end of this lesson you will be able to: * define the word ‘identity’. * describe what qualities make you who you are and make you human. * explain the views of theists, agnostics and atheists. * give your opinion on which factors have had the most influence on your identity.