1932 ELECTION FDR becomes president 2 term governor of New York Reform minded leader Unemployment and poverty
Waiting Period Picked advisors “Brain Trust” Program going to lift the problems of the Great Depression: New Deal 3 general goals: Relief for the needy, Economic recovery, and financial reform.
100 Days Intense activity March 9-June Congress passed 15 plus legislations that expanded the nation’s economy. Banking and Finance Reforms Bank Holiday-closed all banks to prevent further withdraws. Emergency Banking Relief Act—inspect the banks.
Fireside Chat March 12 Radio Talks 1 st President to use radio to address the people. Persuaded the American people to help
Banks and Finance Glass Stegall Act 1933—FDIC established. Money safe up to $5,000. Federal Securities Act 1933—provide complete information on all stock offerings and made them liable for any misrepresentations.
Rural Assistance Agricultural Adjustment Act—AAA Leave a certain amount of every acre of land unseeded. Reduce supply and it would boost prices.
Work Projects Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)—men 18 to 25 to work building roads, developing parks, plant trees, soil erosion, and flood control projects. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)— money to states to create jobs in building schools and other community buildings. Promote fair practice.
Necessities HOLC—government loans to home owners who faced foreclosure due to non payment. FERA--$500 million to provide direct relief for the needy.
Critics Liberals New Deal did not go far engough to help the poor and to reform the nation’s economic system. Conservatives Spent to much on direct relief. Used New Deal policies to control business and socialize the economy. NIRA and AAA was a major concern— to much government interference.
1936 Election FDR WINS!!!!!!! Most African Americans voted Democrat Labor unions gave united support for FDR
Labor Conditions Wagner Act—reestablished the NIRA provision of collective bargaining. Federal government protected the rights of workers to join unions. Set maximum hours at 44 per week; 2 years later 40 hours 25 cents per hour minimum wage 40 cents per hour in 1945 Set rules for workers 16 years old Banned hazardous work for those under 18
Social Security Act 1935 Old insurance for retirees 65 years or older and their spouses. Unemployment compensation system Aid to families with dependent children and the disabled.
Activism “Black Cabinet”—advise the President on racial issues. Never committed to civil rights fro AA Mexicans supported FDR Native Americans—Indian Reorganization Act Economic—land belongs to entire tribe Cultural—boarding schools reduced Political—elect tribal councils
Culture in the 30’s Motion Pictures “Gone with the Wind Radio “Long Ranger,” talk shows, comedians Art: Grant Woods American Gothic Woody Guthrie: Sings about the true America Literature: John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath”
Visual Summary Problems Industries and farmers failed. U.S. stock market crashed/Banks closed. Bankrupt businesses. Unemployment Homelessness Solutions Work projects help unemployment. Money to farmers, sharecroppers, & migrant workers. New opportunities for women and minorities. Social Security Act NLRB—protects workers rights. SEC—monitors stock market. FDIC Fireside Chats Continuing Effects Banks and financing reformed. Government role in the economy increases. Workers benefit from labor standards. Social Security Conservation efforts to provide better conditions for the environment.