Baltic Welcome Centre
Organisation levels Interreg IIIB project Baltic Welcome Centers Project leader Steering group Coordinator/fi nancial resp. Turisme region syd Tourism / Culture Unit HaldenVäxjö KalmarSchwerin Local Level International Level Economic Development Unit Spatial Planning Unit Environment Unit Phare / Tacis partners Organisation
Partners Interreg IIIB project Baltic Welcome Center Partners Municipality of Kalmar, SE Municipality of Växjö, SE Municipality of Halden, NO Turisme region syd, DK Municipality of Schwerin, D Enter Partners
Future partners Interreg IIIB project Baltic Welcome Center Municipality of Narva, EE Municipality of Ivangorod, RUS Municipality of Kaliningrad, RUS Cesis City Council, LV Enter Phare & Tacis
Work Packages Interreg IIIB project Baltic Welcome Centers WP 1: International Standard/ Conception WP 2: Spatial & Tourism Planning WP 3: Welcome Center Investment WP 4: Information Technology WP 5: Marketing / Communication Work Packages
Interreg IIIB project Baltic Welcome Center WP 1: International Standard/ Conception development of an international Baltic Sea-wide standard of a Visitor Center according to visitors‘ demand: research on existing standards / on visitors‘ demand development of indicators / criteria for quality assessment development of assessment procedure / standard development of brand name / corporate design WP 2: Spatial & Tourism Planning local pre-studies, feasibility studies, detailed plans for the Welcome Center building, architectural contests tourism master plans for each city / region; target group analysis as base know-how exchange, benchmarking, study visits
Work Packages Interreg IIIB project Baltic Welcome Center WP 3: Welcome Center Investment investments in reconstruction of Visitor Center, signposting & traffic information, surrounding of Visitor Center, exhibition equipment WP 4: Information Technology common virtual visitor center; further development of hardware (info stands with computers for tourist information) WP 5: Marketing / Communication marketing strategy for planned activities PR work towards local actors, press releases, newsletters local meetings, workshops common brand, corporate design, signposting production and distribution of promotion material training of local guides