Denominations—Protestant Amish Grew out of Anabaptist tradition Separatist lifestyle Rejection of technology Nazarene Founded in 1908, based theology on John Wesley’s preaching Emphasis on grace by faith, sanctification and holiness Christian Church or Disciples of Christ Began in America in early 1800s Emphasis on acceptance of all Pentecostal or Charismatic This is more a category of churches than a denomination Many churches fall into this category Emphasis on emotion Practices some of the mystical “gifts of the spirit”
Denominations—Protestant Assembly of God One of the largest of the Pentecostal churches Began in the United States in the early 20 th century Church of Christ Grew from the Disciples of Church group Does not use musical instruments in services Church of the Brethren Grew out of the Anabaptist tradition Founded by Alexander Mack Emphasizes pacifism and accepts no creed but the New Testament Congregational Churches Independent congregations with no governing body controlling them
Denominations—Protestant Quakers—Society of Friends Founded by George Fox in 1654 Emphasis on pacifism and mysticism Seventh Day Adventist Founded by William Miller in 1844 Emphasizes the prophecies of the second coming of Christ Holds services on Saturday instead of Sunday Independent Evangelical Non-denominational churches Many more than can be listed here
Important Terms Apocalypticism Apostle Atonement Baptism Ecumenism Eucharist Evangelical Filioque Gospel Icon Immaculate conception Incarnation Indulgence Justification Lent Liturgy Messiah Papal infallibility Penance Predestination Purgatory Redemption Righteousness Sacrament Sin Testament Transubstantiation Trinity