ISA Student Games 2015 Mark Tarrant - Instrumentation Instructor
ISA Student Games 2015 Purpose: –To facilitate an annual networking event of student instrumentation professionals from various technical colleges, from all over North America. –To REVITALIZE rather than EUTHANIZE the ISA student games of old.
ISA Student Games 2015 History: –Annual event hosted by various locations, technical colleges in North America –Canadian technical colleges and students enjoy an advantage, due to the federal and provincial support. Provincial grant funding of IIET –$ /year of a two year program, real cost of program is $25,000.00/year. All Instumentation programs have to be accredited through CTAB, The Canadian Technology Accrediation Board. –
ISA Student Games 2015 History: –9-11 weighed heavily on top of organization/implementation of student games Contributes to demise of further annual student games –Members recollection of old student games? Reach for the top? Various tasks Coincided with annual ISA trade show?
ISA Student Games 2015 SAIT supporting infrastucture: –SAIT receives $450 million in infrastructure investment over the last 5 years from combination of Provincial government, SAIT Alumni, and private donors –Donors/Sponsors of lab equipment and software……$$$???? –The Johnson Cobbe Energy Centre is constructed David Johnson and Murray Cobbe donate $5 million each.The Johnson Cobbe Energy Centre is constructed –KA127, my lab, has roughly $2.1 million in DCS hardware and software alone.
ISA Student Games 2015
Direction for the IIET Students: –Revitalizing the SAIT-ISA student chapter activities, BoD’s. Charter ratified in June 1981 –As mentors, all of us can and should promote, make time for, extra curricular professional involvement with the IIET students –All student board members are ISA members –Challenging student members to organize social and professional events
ISA Student Games 2015 Direction for the IIET Students: –Parliamentary procedure, professionalism –Resume/CV workshop –School organized charity events –Resume workshops –Industry Nights –Web/Social Media Presence including FacebookWeb/Social Media Presence Facebook –Invitation by ISA industry chapters to tech talks and other industry organized social and professional events –The Annual ISA Student Games
ISA Student Games 2015 Phoenix, rising from the ashes: –Multi institute teams VITAL to success going forward…….yeah I know Blaine, but you’re wrong. Rids any team of getting “home-ice” advantage Potential visiting schools WILL NOT participate, if this event is institute v institute…..period. SAIT student added to each of the nine teams this year. Canadian advantage nulled for this purpose of true collaboration with north American participants Heavy industry investment in our students via sponsorship
ISA Student Games 2015 This years visiting teams included: –Francis Tuttle College, Oklahoma City, OK –Bellingham Technical College, WA –Lambton College, Sarnia, ON –Red River College, Winnipeg, MB –SASK-Polytechnic, Moosejaw, SK –NAIT-Polytechnic, Edmonton, AB –University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB –BCIT-Polytechnic, Vancouver, BC
ISA Student Games 2015 Possible schools to invite in future: –Chemeketa Community College, Salem, OR –Idaho State University, Pocatella, ID –Perry Technical Institute, Yakima, WA –Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, UT –Western Wyoming College, Rock Springs, WY
ISA Student Games 2015 This years sponsors include: –Shell Canada Ltd –ISA Calgary Section –Tundra Process Solutions Ltd –Spartan Controls Ltd –ABB –Dynamysk Ltd –BitCon Geoscience –Intergraph
ISA Student Games 2015 This years tasks: –Magyver 101, rectifier –DCS Task, foundation fieldbus –Multi instrument calibration –Tuning of Cascade loop
ISA Student Games 2015 This years industry sponsors:
ISA Student Games 2015 Discussion/Questions?