Darfur Day 2
Part I – Conflict Intro Click on the link below to view the Timeline. Use it to answer the questions below and gain knowledge of the events of the conflict in Sudan. Link: (Click Chapter II – Historical Context) Click on the first bullet in What are the problems in Western Darfur where the conflict started in 2003? 2. How does this contribute to economic problems in the region? Click on the second bullet in How did the government respond to the uprising in Western Darfur? Click on the first bullet in What is providing funding for the conflict?
Part II – Why no one has intervened View the clip on the website below to answer the following questions. Link: (Click Chapter V – The Untested Doctrine) 5. Why aren’t countries taking action to end the tribal conflict in Darfur? 6. What is required to make the International community take action? 7. How is this conflict similar to the conflict in the Balkans?
Part III – Darfur Project Click on the file on my wiki titled “Be a Voice for Darfur Project” Read the directions and complete the assignment. Resources are provided in this power point on the following slides.
Darfur Photos saharan_africa/sudan/images/destruction_in_darfur/phot o14.htmlhttp:// saharan_africa/sudan/images/destruction_in_darfur/phot o14.html CHAD_index.htmlhttp:// CHAD_index.html 3.htmhttp:// 3.htm
Darfur Articles mlhttp:// ml mlhttp:// ml pe/index.html?iref=newssearch#cnnSTCTexthttp:// pe/index.html?iref=newssearch#cnnSTCText You may locate your own articles but make sure they are from a reputable source: newspapers, TV or other new sources, or college websites.