Victory over Inconsistency Permissive lifestyle. Permissive lifestyle. Desiring the possessions, pleasures and wealth of their neighbors. Desiring the possessions, pleasures and wealth of their neighbors. Justifying compromise. Justifying compromise. Intermarrying Intermarrying
Victory over Inconsistency Judges 17:1-13 I.The Situation: (vs.1-5) How can the mother “bless her son in the name of the Lord?” How can you dedicate the silver to the Lord and make an idol? (200 shekels of the 1100) How can one keep part of what was dedicated to the Lord? (900 for personal gain)
Victory over Inconsistency (Judges 17:6) II. The Statement: (Judges 17:6) Transitional and Paradigmatic Statement [Transitional and Paradigmatic Statement]: “In those days Israel had no king, everyone did that which was right in his own eyes.” [No Authority Figure from God; Self Established Authority]
Victory over Inconsistency III. The Segment: (Judges 17:7-13) Total disregard for God’s laws regarding the wages of a priest (Deut 18:3,4,8); Total disregard for his own son; total disregard for the priesthood; Total disregard for God’s perspective.
Life Steps 1.) There is a prevailing ‘spiritual inconsistency’ in our current society. 2.) “In the name of the Lord” is not an excuse. 3.) We must accept the Authority of God over all areas of our lives. 4.) Heed the Word of God or there will be consequences.