PRO5 and Social Care Ian Taylor Director of NEPO
Local Government Needs A comprehensive and commercial approach to local government’s spend of £50 billion Significant savings using collaborative procurement and category management in all major areas of spend across England Doing procurement better in fewer more capable places
Pro5 Capability Existing best deals Owned by the sector Governance Geography Skilled people Legally compliant processes Communications
Starting point: Follow the money
Common Simple Goods & Services Property & Assets ICT & Professiona l Services Social Care & Emerging Products Complexity Savings Potential Follow the money
What are Pro5’s ambitions? £30bn Of spend under Pro5 Contract Strategic & Enabling Role Spend: £2bn Traditional consortia Our Aim - spend: £50 billion (+£30bn+ in education and health) Current Pro5 Status
Our Category Teams Food Energy Professional services Fleet ICT Office Solutions Education Business Travel Children’s Services Adult Social Care Facilities management Outsourced services Possibles Waste, Highways, Construction
An Inclusive Strategy National Regional Local
Pro5 Social Care Category Team Bringing together experts from a wide range of authorities, DfE and DoH Adults and CYP to pool limited experts interested in both worlds Tactical and strategic projects With LGCCG in a joint programme of work
Market Position Statements A review of key trends, needs and supply – Eg falling numbers in residential care, oversupply of beds increasing but growing demand for dementia care For presentation to providers to shape the market DoH survey with ADASS found 30 MPS’s out of 88 responses DfE recommending them for Children’s Services NEPO working on a template with North Tyneside which we hope to offer to others
Category Strategy – Increasing Commitment New contract structures Maximise capacity Promote improving quality Provide contingency Encourage new entrants where needed Supplier relationship development
Collaborative Procurement and Social Care Technology bought once and for all What actually works Evolving best practice National or multi-regional providers Supplier development and risk management Working with market sectors
Pro5 Social Care Category Enablers Telecare / telehealth (ESPO) Dynamic purchasing systems (YPO) Prepaid cards (NEPO) Social Care electronic marketplace (NEPO) Community equipment and adaptations Standard policies and documentation
Category Management Economic development Technology Key targets in social care, construction and facilities
National Social Care eMarketplace NW Personalisation Event – 2 nd May 2012
NEPO and PRO5 NEPO are a member of the PRO5 consortium who are working together to identify further opportunities to collaborate nationally. NEPO have successfully led the introduction of a prepaid card framework which is available nationally and has been awarded to Allpay limited NEPO are now also leading national work with the backing of PRO5 to look at a framework for electronic marketplaces for social care also involving: South West North West
NEPO in the North East NEPO have been working more broadly across social care leading the Adult Social Care Category Board with sponsorship from the Director of ASC at North Tyneside Council. Four project streams were developed as part of the initiation of the board: Personalisation Community Equipment Residential Care Provider Relationship Development Each workstream has a separate workplan identifying where NEPO can support regional commissioners
National Steer The Public Accounts Committee published a report in December 2011 outlining current and future strategies to help manage care markets. This report included the following conclusions: The quality of support available to personal budget users is variable. There is inconsistency and confusion in what users can spend personal budgets on and inadequate redress when things go wrong.
Objectives Objectives for the work: An electronic marketplace would offer authorities a way of consolidating information on goods and services available for purchase in one place and to share content across local authorities and with other agencies for the benefit of end users Allows a broader range of providers the opportunity to sell to individuals including third sector and local suppliers Visibility of the types of goods and services bought by budget holders will enable negotiation of even better terms with providers
What is an eMarketplace A hosted or web-based application that facilitates trade between various parties (ie Local Authorities & Suppliers) Shoppers (Service Users / Procurers) search for products, compare with similar items, add to shopping basket and checkout Suppliers / Providers can use electronic catalogues to display their goods & services Facility to control content, capture management information and integrate with external systems
Why a Public Sector eMarketplace Greater control of content Quality assurance Meets needs of commissioners, providers and users We need to create new markets for personal services (Market Shape) Personal budget management
Work to date A review of the North East Improvement and Efficiency Partnership work completed to date Development of a supplier questionnaire in collaboration with national colleagues Meetings and demonstrations from suppliers to see what’s available in the market A successful bid for support funding for the project to help increase the scope Development of a detailed draft specification linking closely with other regions to develop a definitive list of requirements
Specification Overview User / Provider Registration with LA Controls Online Catalogues with advanced searching Provider feedback options Request for quote and brokerage options Events calendar to view and record activities Information & Guidance sections Community section with social networking and messaging Budget management & payment options Branding, security & accessibility
Workplan next steps Consultation on the specification document and other outstanding issues Selection of a procurement route which is able to best support future local authority plans Working with existing regional groups to raise the profile of the project Approach the market to develop a national solution for local authorities and health
Challenges and Opportunities Ensuring a wide range of content is available for end users supporting innovative ways of meeting care needs Offering providers the opportunity to market their businesses to those in receipt of local authority funding as well as private funders Linking in with the need to ensure there are opportunities to recruit personal assistants through this process Developing a funding model which works for the North East and minimises risk for local authorities Linking with the NEPO led national contract for prepaid cards to offer a complete solution
Estimated Timeline Provider Engagement Specification Development Consultation with NE, PRO5, NW and SW Procurement Activity Contract Commencement Q1 2012Q2 2012Q3 2012
The proposed process Procurement Activity Complete Local analysis of existing information Local requirements analysis Use of framework to select solution Led by NEPO linking in with Relevant stakeholder groups including PRO5 / LGCCG and other regional groups LA led with Regional support Where available LA with Support from National stakeholders Responsibility
Next Steps Volunteers from the North West to join the virtual working group via the Knowledge Hub Sharing of information across authorities to inform the project Provider consultation regarding marketplace content NEPO to take a national lead role for procurement activity
Contact Details Paul Mander (NEPO) Senior Regional Category Specialist Tel: / Graham Kelly (NEPO) Systems & Portal Principal Officer Tel: Gareth Kinsey (allpay) Tel:
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