HSE activity and resume of topical issues Paul Harvey HM Principal Inspector
HSE workplan 2014/15 rationale 75% of fatals are with small employers 90% of fatals on small sites 70% of fatals are in refurbishment 80% of fatals are falls from height 1.7 million days lost due to ill health 0.6 million days lost due to injury
Fatalities 2012/ workers & 5 MOP 2013/14 – currently at …. 2013/14 (Wales) – 4 fatals Deaths from occupational ill health/ disease (100x greater)
Occupational Ill health 30,000 new work related ill health cases reported every year. –Asthma –HAV –NIHL –MSDs –etc 40% of all occupational cancer deaths are from the construction industry
Health (occupational cancers) Asbestos Solar radiation Painters Silica Diesel emissions PAH
HSE Workplan 2014/15 Asbestos Small sites Refurbishment Health Homebuild Loft Conversions
HSE Workplan 2013/14 Commercial solar panel installations Asbestos analysts Fragile roofwork Agricultural fragile roofwork
Inspection 2013/14 11,000 proactive inspections –2600 inspections in the “blitz” –50% needed improvement Work at height Exposure to dust Inadequate welfare
Leadership Active leadership –See handout htm
CDM Update Still working through inter government department clearance If cleared then imminent via stakeholders, press release etc Four main areas –Removal of ACOP –CDMC v Principal designer –Competence –Domestic clients
CDM - Competence CDM 2007 requires “competence.” Competence is –Selection –Initial training & assessment –Experience –Lifelong learning CDM 2015 likely to remove competence and have specific duty for information, instruction, training & supervision
Competence CITB survey (lack of competent workers) 73% have no recognised qualification Cards – 300 variants, only 4% competence assessed Demographics of the industry
Asbestos Awareness Training “at regular intervals” (Regs) “Refresher training … every year” (ACOP) “refresher awareness” could be “e- learning or part of an update” (Guidance)
Prosecutions Demolition of a mezzanine floor. Inadequate demolition plan. £30,000 fine.
Prosecutions Installing solar panels. Fall from a fragile roof. £13,000 fine and conviction of company director (HSWA s37).
Prosecutions Building occupier & roofer Building occupier failed to supervise or assess work despite knowing the roof was fragile £250,000 fine plus costs Roofer rec’d prison sentence
Prosecutions Scaffolder fell whilst dismantling scaffold. £130,000 fine of PC. Director of s/c fined £20,000 under S37. Principal Contractor: Failed to plan, manage and monitor a sub contractor
Prosecutions Housebuilding Company and its director –2 cases prosecuted (1 injury & 1 complaint) –Company £56,000 plus £11,000 –Director (HSWA s37) fined £32,000 plus £11,000 costs plus 8months custodial sentence (suspended for 2 years) plus disqualified for 3 years.
Consent, connivance and/or neglect? (HSWA s37)
Fee for Intervention “A material breach is when, in the opinion of the HSE inspector, there has been a contravention of health and safety law that requires them to notify the dutyholder, in writing, of that opinion ”
Themes for 2014/15 National –Emerging from recession –Health Local –Available workforce? –Developers –Leadership in the industry –Agri construction
Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Paul Harvey HM Principal Inspector