Old Neighbours – New Relations Workshop 09D03 „Multiregional co-operation – recipes for success“ Brussels 9th October 2007 R. Hummelbrunner (Graz, Austria) MATRIOSCA Project Management OPEN DAYS 2007: Crossing borders
Project Title MAnagement Tools and Relations for Interregional Organisation to Strenghtening Co-operation in AAP M A T R I O S C A - AAP Project Cost ,00TOTAL ,00Co-financing (EU partners) ,00ERDF funding Project Duration 30 monthsDuration Date of finalisation Date of start Project Partners 14 Partners from five countries (LP Styria) 7 of them co-financing partners 2 associate partners More information Project Updates No. 1 (May 2006) and 2 (Jan. 2007) Project Website: Key project data
Project Partners
MATRIOSCA-AAP Partner Regions
RESULTS Improved understanding of situation and trends in spatial development Proposal for institutional structure which is based on requirements of partners and suited to grasp new opportunities (e.g. EGTC) Administrative / Expert Networks in key areas for spatial development Definition of relations with Alps-Adriatic Working- Community and EUREGIOs Jointly prepared and politically agreed strategies in key areas for spatial development Jointly elaborated project ideas (based on sound assessments and joint interests of partners) OVERALL OBJECTIVES Close collaboration to provide added value at European level, address challenges and opportunities of enlargement Establishment of a transnational co- operation area to gain mutual advantages, be more competitive Integrated and co-ordinated development through stable relations among policy makers Project Objectives and main Results
WP3: Common strategy and policy making WP 4: Thematic Working Groups Comparative Analysis of Regional Strategies Meetings of Thematic WGs: 1. Transport Infrastructure and Location Development 2. Spatial Planning and Development 3. Socio-econ. Development and co-operation 4. Co-operation of urban centres & municipalities SWOT Analysis and outline of macro themes Establishment of Project Groups Scenario analysis Elaboration of Joint Strategy Document Finishing of project proposals 2nd Political Conference WP 1: Base line data & analysis Baseline data and maps Background Paper “Transport Infrastructure” Background Paper “Spatial Development” Socio-economic analysis and co-operation potential WP 2: Institution Building Analysis of legal pre-conditions Vertical analysis of institutional conditions Proposal for future institution building Main Outputs per Work Package Background paper “R&D and clusters” Assessment of viability for establishing an EGTC Assessment of institutional setting Model statutes and convention for EGTC „White Paper“ 1st Political Conference Preparation of proposals for trans-national projects on each macro-theme (max. eight proposals) Dec. 07 Jan. 07 June 05 Achieved Still open
Central European Space South East European Space Alpine Space White Paper -Main project criteria -Four priority macro themes Background papers for each macro-theme EU Transnational Co- operation programmes Framework of project MATRIOSCA PRIORITIES WILLINGNESS TO LEAD FIN. ALLOCATION EXPERTS Initial proposals, Formation of Project Groups Other Projects (INTERREG IIIB/C) Experiences Outputs Programmes Concepts Strategies Project ideas Framework for project development
Status of project preparation (per macro theme) Spatial development and polycentric systems Material and immaterial infrastructure Excellence knowledge networking Innovative SME clustering AAP Urban network Sustainable regional development Transport connections and climate change Side railways cross-border connections Trans-national co-operation of clusters and business networks Trans-national co-operation of innovation networks Network for sustainable energy development Sustainable production and consumption in agriculture Network of MAs of Structural Fund Programmes (Objective 1 and 2)
MATRIOSCA-AAPCross-Border CooperationCENTROPEEuregio West/ Nyugat PannoniaEuregio Styria-SloveniaARGE Carinthia-SloveniaAdriatic Euroregion Euregio “Villa Manin” AA Working Community (new)Gorizian Euroregion Dajnube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregion The challenge for institution building
Organising trans-national cooperation Partner regions are embedded in larger co-operation area (“matiushka”) with a similar basic institutional structure Relevant institutional set-up consists of three distinctive sub-systems, which are framed by the political system: –Departments for External Relations –Sectoral Departments –Programme Authorities (Objectives 1, 2 and 3) The specific set-up varies between regions, subsystems often correspond to different administrative departments Each sub-system has a different logic and time frame Challenge for making transnational co-operation more effective: Organizing the collaboration of these sub- systems within the same level and between levels Within MATRIOSCA these relationships were analysed, but also tested in practice for the preparation of projects
Organising trans-national cooperation Departments for External Relations Sectoral Departments Programme Authorities Obj. 1 / 2 Obj. 3 Political system
Further information MATRIOSCA Lead Partner Ludwig Rader Maria Elßer-Eibel Office of the Regional Government of Styria Department for European Affairs and Exernal Relations A-8020 Graz, Nikolaiplatz 3 Tel. +43 (0) FAX +43 (0) MATRIOSCA Project Management Richard Hummelbrunner Konstantin Melidis ÖAR Regional Consultants Office Styria Alberstrasse Graz T: +43/ (0)316/ F: +43/ (0)316/