Augmented Cognition “A constellation of desires, concepts, and goals aimed at maximizing human cognitive abilities through the unification of humans and computational systems.” Goal: Reduce human information processing bottlenecks
Augmented Cognition Types of situations where augmented cognition would benefit the human operator: Highly competitive environments Adversarial environments Potentially lethal environments Fast reaction time necessary
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Developed a program to push the envelope for various situations. Goal of achieving carbon-based/silicon-based symbiosis.
DARPA Technical Integration Experiment 11 Different research groups (Cognitive state gauges) Encephalography Pupil dilation Mouse pressure Body posture Heart rate GSR Etc.
DARPA Technical Integration Experiment Task: Warship Commander Task Participants monitored aircraft on a geographical display for their levels of threat and responded to the threatening ones, as they simultaneously monitored ship communications for ship status information. Task: Verbal Memory Cognitive Load Manipulated by changing quantity and types of aircraft appearing throughout the primary task Manipulated by varying presence/absence of the secondary verbal-memory task
DARPA Technical Integration Experiment Results: Task Performance:
Neurocognitive Monitors + Acronyms US Army Medical Research Materiel Command (USAMRMC) Developed the cognitive performance, judgment, and decision-making research program(CPJDRP) Neurophysiological Measures and Cognition Focus Team (NMFCT) Formed to work with augmented cognition investigators and address development of neurophysiological measures as potential monitors of alertness-cognitive state in warfighters.
Military Problem Human error accounts for a large proportion of military accidents (80-85%) The goal of the USAMRMC CPJDRP NMCFT: To research and develop products that integrate neuropsychological sensors and cognitive performance models that can be used to predict where decision making errors are most likely to occur. Minimize failures Increase safety
Overview USAMRMC CPJDRP NMFCT developed a 5 year plan with specific goals USAMRMC CPJDRP NMFCT held a workshop based on the plan Assumptions Way too long to type out, reference the article Discussions Performance metrics Neurocognitive monitor and alertness/cognitive states Cognitive readiness and performance gauge
Overview Conclusions/Recommendations for the research plan Various presenters discussed data they collected from their own research and potential technologies that would assist in augmented cognition More overview of external papers Authors give a brief description of the technical papers that came out of the workshop.