However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, /11/2016Free template from 1
POLITICAL PARTIES Throughout time!! The major eras
6/11/2016Free template from 3 Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans Alexander Hamilton Strong central gov’t Loose construction Commerce and manufacturing Britain “Rich and well born Industrial northeast Thomas Jefferson States’ rights Strict construction Agriculture France “common man” Rural south
6/11/2016Free template from 4
6/11/2016Free template from 5 Era of the Democrats Federalists defeated in 1800 disappeared totally by 1816 Unopposed during EoGF Democrats win 13 of 15 presidential elections
6/11/2016Free template from 6 The List Jefferson 1800 Madison 1808 Monroe 1816 JQ Adams 1824 Jackson 1828 Van Buren 1836 *W.H.Harrison 1840 Tyler (takes over 1840) Polk 1844 *Taylor 1848 Fillmore (takes over 1850) Pierce 1852 Buchanan 1856
6/11/2016Free template from 7 Era of the Democrats Jackson! (1828 election) Three big changes: –Voting rights for all white males –Huge increase in # of elected officials –Spread of spoils system In opposition: WHIGS! –W.H. Harrison, Zachary Taylor
6/11/2016Free template from 8 Era of the Democrats WHIGS Grew in opposition to Jackson Industrialization Federal rights Internal growth Opposed Mexican War Henry Clay! W.H. Harrison Zachary Taylor FREE SOIL PARTY Not abolitionists opposed to expansion candidates AMERICAN PARTY “Know- Nothing” Nativism 50% Opposition…?
6/11/2016Free template from 9 Era of the Democrats Both parties facing problems in 1850’s Whigs fall apart Democrats split North and South Republicans formed
6/11/2016Free template from 10 Republicans Opposed to EXTENSION of slavery Abe opposed to slavery on moral grounds, but cannot eliminate it from places the Constitution originally let it exist
6/11/2016Free template from 11 Election of 1860 Democrats Split between Stephen Douglas (popular sovereignty) and John Breckenridge (Dred Scott all the way) Republicans Sectional! Internal improvements- protective tariff- oppose expansion of slavery ABE!
6/11/2016Free template from 12 Era of the Republicans Lincoln! Democrats hung around –“Solid south” –Cleveland Battle of the Standards Bull Moose Republicans split –Wilson Regain with Harding- Coolidge- Hoover Republicans win 14 of 18 presidential elections
6/11/2016Free template from 13 The List Lincoln 1860 A.Johnson (takes over 1865) Grant 1868 Hayes 1876 Garfield 1880 Arthur (takes over 1881) *Cleveland 1884 B. Harrison 1888 *Cleveland 1892 McKinley 1896 T. Roosevelt (takes over wins 1904) Taft 1908 *Wilson 1912 Harding 1920 Coolidge (takes over wins 1924) Hoover 1928
6/11/2016Free template from 14 Era of the Republicans Both parties are pro-business Government tended to do very little Republicans splinter: Stalwarts, Halfbreeds, Mugwumps Politics of the Gilded Age
6/11/2016Free template from 15 Era of the Republicans Populist Party Farmers! All of those Populist things… Fade out as conditions improve and agenda is absorbed by major parties
6/11/2016Free template from 16 Era of the Republicans ELECTION OF 1896 Small business owners, farmers, labor unions VS big business, financial monopolies, railroads McKinley vs. WJ Bryan
6/11/2016Free template from 17 Era of the Republicans Government had a key role in improving society Increase power of the people 16 th, 17 th, 18 th, 19 th amendments Teddy- Taft- Wilson (Democrat) Politics of the Progressive Era 1912 Election
6/11/2016Free template from 18 Era of the Republicans Harding- Coolidge- Hoover Pro-Business Conflict with immigration restriction, prohibition, race relations Return to “normalcy”
6/11/2016Free template from 19 Return of the Democrats Election turning point Opposition –Ike Democrats won 7 of 9 presidential elections
6/11/2016Free template from 20 The List FDR 1932 Truman (takes over wins 1948) *Eisenhower 1952 Kennedy 1960 L.B.Johnson (takes over wins 1964)
6/11/2016Free template from 21 Return of the Democrats 1932 election- opposing views on government role Democrats: southerners, small farmers, organized labor, big-city political organization, African Americans (NEW DEAL!) Truman tried to continue this: Fair Deal
6/11/2016Free template from 22 Return of the Democrats States’ Rights 1948 Election –Dixiecrats Ike 1952 and 1956 Opposition?
6/11/2016Free template from 23 Start of a New Era 1968 NOW Divided government (Dem&Repub) Republican: Nixon- Ford Democrat: Carter Republican: Reagan- Bush (the first) Democrat: Clinton Republican: George W. Bush Democrat: Barack Obama Republicans have won 7 of 12 presidential elections
6/11/2016Free template from 24 Start of a New Era 1968 Election Democratic National Convention- RFK assassinated- LBJ drops out Hubert Humphrey – Democrat (New Deal coalition) George Wallace – American Independent Party (hostility towards antiwar protests and segregation) Richard Nixon –Republican (peace with honor) “Silent majority” Nixon
*1980-Present Political Scientists debate whether we are in a new era of political parties. Divided Government era-1 party has control of executive branch, 1 party has control of 1 or both houses of Congress. More antagonistic, less cooperation. 6/11/2016Free template from 25
The List R-Reagan D-Congress R-Bush D-Congress D-Clinton R-Congress R-Bush D- Congress(2006) 2008-present-D-Obama R-House of Reps.(2010) R-Senate (2014) 6/11/2016Free template from 26
6/11/2016Free template from 27 That’s all folks.