National Chairperson National Committee State Chairperson State Committee Local Chairperson City, Town, or County Committee Precinct Captain/Workers National Convention Congressional Campaign Committee Senatorial Campaign Committee
Grassroots refers to ideas that begin on an individual or neighborhood level. Active participation of citizens!
Raise Funds Organize the National Convention Choose the Presidential Candidate
To promote their ideas to all citizens To make sure all levels of government have the same goals To elect party members to all levels of government
Hold government positions Civil service jobs Party leaders can sometimes fill jobs by appointing party members.
Gather ideas from citizens/voters Develop platform to fit the ideas Grassroots Movements
Hold primary elections to see which potential candidates their voters want in office Choose candidates to represent their party/ideas
Educate voters about how the government works Make speeches, hand out pamphlets, do interviews, run tv and radio ads
Raise money Inform voters about candidates Voter registration Get voters out to the polls
Committees at the local, state, and federal level To communicate ideas and concerns Similar ideas and goals Keep states and federal government similar
Party out of power (election loser) will “watch” the other party Oppose ideas or offer criticism Watch for inappropriate behavior within their party