MY PROJECT For my project I decided to do a Rube Goldberg machine. A Rube Goldberg machine is basically a machine that takes many steps of different chain reactions to complete a simple task. In my case those tasks were: hitting a ping pong ball into a cup, knocking down a domino pyramid, and hitting a marble into a loop the loop (all different machines)
LEARNING I planned to learn how to be patient and not rush through things. Setting up a Rube Goldberg Machine takes precision and patience. It will also most likely not work the first few times you make it and you will have to set it up again.
DOCUMENTATION For the kind of project I did the only to document it to its full potential was to videotape the reactions and every try at the machine. I made multiple videos and will now show and explain them to you.
LINKS Week 1 Video: Week 2 Video: Week 3 Video: Week 4 Video: