Toll Collect The New Toll System Martin Rickmann Tallinn,
Page 2 The frame work conditions for a Toll Collection system in Germany Toll road network approx. 12,000 km on federal motorways approx. 2,500 junctions approx. 250 motorway interchanges Toll road usage 27 billion vehicle kilometres per year 35% accounted for by vehicles registered outside of Germany 1
Page 3 Efficient toll collection for the state and comfortable payment for the user Proven and reliable technologies GSM and GPS User friendly “Free-Flow-System” Long-term stability of investments in line with EU guidelines demanding toll systems based on GSM/GPS Compliance with requirements for technical interoperability with other systems Expansion of system regarding freight carriers weighing less than 12t feasible High flexibility regarding future expansion of the highway and road network without costly infrastructure investments Quick implementation based on existent applications 2 Toll Collect System combines economical and ecological advantages
Page 4 Time table 3 06 OBU 1 Roll-out Start of Operation OBU General Trial Phase OBU 2 Roll-out 1201 Trial Phase OBU 2 Start of Operation OBU √ Summer 05
Page 5 There are four ways into the Toll Collect System – 84% of users already benefit from the automatic system Central and decentral system operation Toll accounting and invoicing Automatic System Manual System TerminalInternetCall Center 4 On-Board Unit
Page 6 The Toll Collect System offers an international infrastructure 5 Legend: 1) Terminals relevant for performance test & penalty Rollout On Board UnitsService Partner Network in Europe Albanien Belgien Bosnien-Herzegovina Bulgarien Dänemark Deutschland Estland Finnland Frankreich Griechenland Großbritannien Irland Italien Serbien Montenegro Kroatien Lettland Litauen Luxemburg Mazedonien Moldawien Niederlande Norwegen Österreich Polen Portugal Rumänien Russland Schweden Schweiz Slowakei Slowenien Spanien Tschechien Ukraine Ungarn Weißrussland Source: Stationary Enforcement Obligatory Terminals¹ Terminals Total Beacons (Stützbaken) Mobile Enforcement Automatic Enforcement Rollout Decentral Components Registered Users Registered Vehicles OBU-Installations Total
Page 7 Considerable start management allowed a smooth introduction of Toll Collect System Before start various analysis and measures have been carried out Detailed analysis of „traffic flow” and documentation of identified neuralgic locations Measures to control and manage the traffic flow Recruitment and training of support teams to help users at terminals Placing of first support teams in field four weeks before start Introduction of a FAQ-System for internal and external support to increase response time Preparation of potential FAQ-Lists and translation in relevant languages Close cooperation between BMVBW and Toll Collect and other external partners throughout the start phase Close cooperation with national and international haulage associations 6
Page 8 Toll Collect system offers a platform for added value services on the road Traffic Guidance Tariffs for route segments dependent on time and place Congestion prevention through real time traffic information Traffic-jam warnings via text message (SMS) Fleet Management Central disposition on the basis of transmitted vehicle movement Route monitoring, e.g. announcing arrival to customer Order management (tracing of sent goods, freight accounting) Vehicle management Improvement of vehicle data (driveability, consumption) Remote diagnosis vehicle technology Wireless update of vehicle software Car-to-Car Communication (DSRC Module) Proximity danger warnings (Ice, accident, fog, railway crossing) Collision warning when approaching crossroads 7