Prestigious Scholarships LeAnn Adam OSU Advisor for Prestigious Scholarships
Types of Scholarships National (Gilman, Boren) Campus (OSU GO) Program specific scholarships (API, CIEE) OSU Scholarships (President, Provost, Diversity Achievement) Departmental (College of Engineering) General Academic (Ford, OSAC)
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Goal: National scholarship to diversify the kinds of students who study abroad and the countries and regions where they go. Awards: Recipients receive up to $5,000 toward cost of study abroad. An additional $3,000 is possible for “critical need” language study.
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Awards: Recipients receive up to $5,000 toward cost of study abroad. An additional $3,000 is possible for “critical need” language study. Arabic (all dialects); Chinese (all dialects); Bahasa Indonesia Japanese Turkic (Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgz, Turkish, Turkmen, Uzbek); Persian (Farsi, Dari, Kurdish, Pashto, Tajiki); Indic (Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Sinhala, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Sindhi); Korean Russian Swahili
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Eligibility U.S. Citizen Undergraduate Student Must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant Education Abroad must be approved for credit at home school Must be abroad for a minimum of 4 weeks Program can not be on the State Department’s travel warning list or Cuba.
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship To Apply: Complete the online application Provide transcripts Two essays: Statement of Purpose Description of project to promote education abroad Deadlines: Summer, fall and academic year abroad: March 1, 2016 Winter/spring 2017: early October 2016
Boren Government-funded, national competition Countries/languages of interest to US security Up to $20K for academic year study Online application Campus interview Service requirement Campus Deadline: January 11, 2016 (one deadline per year) National Deadline: February 9, 2016
Critical Language Scholarship Government-funded, national competition Broaden base of US citizens studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships abroad Fully funded eight week in-country summer intensive language program in: ArabicKorean AzerbaijaniPersian BanglaPunjabi ChineseRussian HindiSwahili IndonesianTurkish JapaneseUrdu
Critical Language Scholarship Open to all majors Online application Deadline: November each year for the following summer CLS program Current application cycle closes November 23, 2015
Fulbright UK Summer Institute Open to all majors in first or second year of undergraduate study US Citizens, age 18 and over GPA 3.5 or higher Little to no experience with travel or study outside the US Durham, King’s College London, Queen’s University Belfast, Scotland Summer Institute, Exeter, Wales, Globe Theater Current application cycle closes late February, 2016
US Student Fulbright Goal: To increase mutual understanding between people of the U.S. and people of other countries through exchange Full funding to engage in an academic year-long post-graduate independent research, study, or arts projects abroad or English Teaching Assistantship
US Student Fulbright Who is eligible? Recent graduates Graduating seniors and recent Bachelor’s- degree recipients should have some undergraduate preparation and/or direct work or internship experience related to the project. Master's and doctoral candidates Graduate-level candidates must demonstrate the capacity for independent study or research, together with a general knowledge of the history, culture, and current events of the countries to which they are applying.
Other National Scholarships Post-graduate: Rhodes Scholarship Marshall Scholarship Gates Cambridge Schwarzman Scholars Program
Other National Scholarships Prestigious Scholarships OSU GO scholarships/scholarships
OSU Scholarships Departmental or university-wide grants DO apply to study abroad Honors College Experience Grant Scholarships open to OSU International Degree students: International Degree Research Awards ($1,000-2,000) Mary Alice Wartman Memorial Scholarship ($500-1,000) Ray A. Verzasconi Scholarship ($1,000) SIT Scholarships for ID Students ($2,000-5,000) OSU GO Scholarships Nicodemus ($1,000) Diane Walta Hart ($500) Piyarali/Van de Water ($500)
Program-specific Scholarships Education Abroad Co-providers offer their own internal scholarships for participants in their programs: API (matches Gilman scholarships and offers STEM scholarships) CIEE SIT (Pell matching program) School for Field Studies IE3 Global IFSA Butler Semester at Sea
Internet Sources for International Scholarships Use other search engines to search for scholarships: It’s almost always a BAD IDEA to pay a fee to apply for an external scholarship. Crowdfunding sites: Fund My Travel, Go Fund Me
Tips for a Successful Scholarship Application Attention to Detail Read the instructions thoroughly Understand the requirements Triple check that you have prepared all pieces of the application Essays Read about the organization/donor & cater essay accordingly Have someone proof-read & don’t forget spell-check! Ask for feedback
Tips for a Successful Scholarship Application References Not all will require references; those that do may have a form to fill out, or just ask for a recommendation letter Give your reference plenty of notice (2-3 weeks min.) If it is an online application, notify your references personally Try to use someone who knows you well academically; if the scholarship is subject-related, use a professor from that subject
Contact: LeAnn Adam OSU Advisor for Prestigious Scholarships AND: OSU GO Appointments: (541) Web: