HRBA Project Planning Steps Understanding the Structure.


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Presentation transcript:

HRBA Project Planning Steps Understanding the Structure

Goals and Contents of the Presentation To learn how to plan projects using HRBA To familiarize with the first four steps in HRBA project planning To understand how situation analysis is done in HRBA To learn how causalities are studied in HRBA To grasp the concepts of role pattern analysis and capacity gap analysis in HRBA

Human Rights Based Project Planning As in any project, careful planning process forms the basis of success in HRBA based project – Ensures sustainability by outlining the goals and principles before implementation – Helps monitoring and evaluation – Following the core principles and equal participation is the key in effective and productive project planning

Steps of Analysis The project planning in HRBA can be divided into seven main steps: Understanding the structure: 1.Situation analysis 2.Causality analysis 3.Role pattern analysis 4.Capacity gap analysis Moving towards clear project plan: 5.Identification of candidate strategies and action 6.Partnership analysis 7.Project design

1. Situation analysis Comprehensive background study aiming to understand the complete situation in the project area

Situation Analysis in HRBA Situation analysis refers to a process of gaining an understanding of the current situation in the area/theme/location of interest Clarity on the exact problems that the project seeks to address from a human rights perspective and the reasons behind them Identifies development challenges and gaps between international obligations and the real practice Focuses on problems and their causes, as well as the needs, interests, capacities and constraints of different stakeholders

Results of the Situation Analysis Situation analysis ensures that the project is suitable for its surroundings and appropriate in scope Gives us a roadmap for causality analysis and role pattern analysis (steps 2 & 3)

2. Causality Analysis Recognition and identification of the manifestations, immediate, underlying and root/basic causes of a problem

Causality Analysis: What is it? Situation analysis articulated the problem we seek to address Causality analysis specifies the major consequences and identifies the key immediate, underlying and structural causes – Using all available evidence and suitable scientific methods – Aiming to capture all potentially important causes in hierarchical structure

Question 1 Who should be involved in doing the causality analysis? All key actors with significant claims and/or duties Doing together with the stakeholders rises the awareness of the problem in the community and builds consensus about the causes of the problem

Causality Analysis: Practical steps Start from the main manifestations of the problem and continue down the hierarchy of causes 1.Identify the key immediate causes 2.Identify the key underlying causes of the immediate causes 3.Identify the key structural causes of the underlying causes Different levels of causes can be visualized in example as a form of a ”problem tree”

Causality Analysis: Example

Causality Analysis: Result Result: A list of rights that are either being violated or at risk of being violated together with the major causes of these violations.

3. Role pattern analysis Identification of all the relevant rights-holders and corresponding duty-bearers

Role Pattern Analysis: What is it? Causality analysis specifies the causes of the right violations – role pattern analysis tells us who are affected Role pattern analysis – Identification of all the relevant rights-holders and corresponding duty-bearers – Individuals can be both rights-holders and duty-bearers at the same time – Aim is to understand the roles of all the relevant actors regarding the rights in question

Role pattern analysis: step by step 1.Focus on the cause and related rights you have decided to work on 2.Together with the rights-holders and duty-bearers identify their roles and responsibilities regarding the issue 3.Use visualization to make the whole picture of the rights and duties clear to yourself and participants. – mind-mapping, worksheets etc.

Map of Relationships Lack of proper sanitation at school ChildrenParentsSchool StaffDistrictGovernment Parents School staff District Government Rights-Holders Duty-bearers

Role Pattern Analysis: Duality Parents’ claims on teachers = teachers’ duties to parents Teachers’ claims on parents = Parents’ duties to teachers

Role Pattern Analysis: Result Result: A set of the most important Right– Duty relationships linking individuals in their roles as rights-holders and duty-bearers

4. Capacity gap analysis Analysis of gaps preventing the rights-holders from claiming their rights and duty-bearers from respecting their obligations

Capacity Gap Analysis: What it is? After the role pattern analysis we have a clear picture of the rights and duties that are not fulfilled – Capacity gap analysis provides the explanations why particular right has not been realized. It analyses what gaps are preventing rights-holders from claiming their rights and duty-bearers from respecting their obligations – Using the role pattern map we can focus each relationship and think about possible gaps preventing the fulfilment of the right in question Important to be done together with the rights-holders and duty-bearers

Question 2 What kinds of reasons might explain the capacity gaps of rights-holders and duty- bearers?

Capacity Gap Analysis: Dimensions of Capacities 1.Responsibility/motivation/commitment/leadership – Acknowledgement of an individual that s/he should do something about a specific problem 2.Authority – Understanding that you should and can take action. That the duty-bearer has right and obligation to do so 3.Access and control of resources – Possibility to use necessary human-, economic- and organizational resources 4.Capability for rational decision making and learning – Rational decision making requires evidence-based assessment and a logical analysis of the causes of a problem 5.Communication capabilities – To communicate and to access information and necessary communication systems

Capacity Gaps and the Levels of Accountability Capacity gap is very often explained because of other obligations are not fulfilled Look at the role pattern map and what possible rights for the duty-bearer in question are not respected Schools inability to fulfill the right to sanitation of children might be explained by districts inability to provide necessary funds to build and maintain toilets

Capacity Gap Analysis: Step by Step Using the information provided by the role pattern analysis: 1.Identify each claim-holder’s capacity gap for not being able to claim their rights 2.Identify each duty-bearer’s capacity gap for not meeting duties 3.Sort capacity gaps by category of capacity (responsibility, authority, resources etc.)

Capacity Gap Analysis: Result Result: For each claim-duty or duty-claim relationship a list of capacity gaps of both the rights-holder and the duty-bearer

Group Exercise Right to Education is a human right recognized in ICESCR. One of the usually significant right – duty relationship regarding education is that of the parents and the teachers. 1.Form groups of 4 to 5 people 2.List possible duties of the teachers that might be relevant for the relationship 3.List possible capacity gaps that might prevent the duties from being fulfilled

Thank you Questions? Suomen UNICEF ry Lautatarhankatu Helsinki & © UNICEF 10/2015 Cover # 2 - Photo credit: © UNICEF/NYHQ /Bannon (Boy running on water)